World Diabetes Day 2023: How Air Pollution May Trigger Blood Sugar Spike? 5 Tips to Prevent It

Home Health World Diabetes Day 2023: How Air Pollution May Trigger Blood Sugar Spike? 5 Tips to Prevent It Diabetes is a growing health concern with millions of people living with it. In addition to this, rising air pollution in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata may also add on it it and here is how. World Diabetes … Read more

What is Diabetic Liver? 5 Symptoms Blood Sugar Spike Affect Your Liver Health

Home Health What is Diabetic Liver? 5 Symptoms Blood Sugar Spike Affect Your Liver Health Diabetes not just affects our kidneys, but it may also affect our liver. High blood sugar levels can damage the liver cells and cause them to store more fat. Here are signs and symptoms one should not ignore. What is … Read more

Diabetes Control: Can You Get Diabetes Even if You Are Not Consuming Sugar? Here’s The Truth

Home Health Diabetes Control: Can You Get Diabetes Even if You Are Not Consuming Sugar? Here’s The Truth! People who don’t eat sugar at all can still get diabetes. Avoiding sugar completely doesn’t mean that you are safe from this chronic disease. More than 70 million people suffer from diabetes in India, making it the … Read more

Diabetes in Women: PCOS to Vaginal Infection, 10 Major Symptoms to be Watchful of

Home Health Diabetes in Women: PCOS to Vaginal Infection, 10 Major Symptoms of High Blood Sugar That Shouldn’t be Ignored Diabetes symptoms are unique to women. Understanding these signs may help one identify the chronic disorder and get treatment as early as possible. Diabetes in Women: PCOS to Vaginal Infection, 10 Major Symptoms of High … Read more

बिना दवा खाए कंट्रोल करना है ब्लड शुगर लेवल, तो डायबिटीज के मरीज रोज चबाएं इस पेड़ की पत्ती

Blood Sugar Remedies : डायबिटीज एक ऐसी बीमारी है, जिसका कोई परमानेंट  इलाज नहीं है. सिर्फ दवाईयों और सही डाइट से ही डायबिटीज को कंट्रोल में रखा जा सकता है. इसीलिए डायबिटीज के मरीजों को डाइट दुरुस्त रखने की सलाह दी जाती है. डाइट सही रहने पर ही दवाईयां भी काम करती हैं. इसके अलावा कुछ … Read more

Blood Sugar Spikes: 1 Best Drink For Diabetics to Kickstart Their Day

Home Health Blood Sugar Spikes: 1 Best Drink For Diabetics to Kickstart Their Day If you are struggling with high blood sugar, why not start your day with this diabetes-friendly drink, easy-to-make every morning. Keeping blood sugar levels in control is not a mean task and requires constant efforts in terms of diet and discipline. … Read more

सुबह के वक्त बढ़ जाता है ब्लड शुगर लेवल! क्या आप जानते हैं आखिर इसके पीछे क्या कारण है?

डायबिटीज मरीज के ब्लड में शुगर लेवल हाई होना एक चिंता का विषय हो सकता है. कई स्टडी में इस बात खुलासा किया गया है कि सुबह के वक्त शुगर का लेवल ज्यादा बढ़ा होता है. यह बात थोड़ी हैरान कर सकती है कि सुबह के समय ब्लड में शुगर का हाई लेवल क्यों होता … Read more

Diabetes Symptoms: Why Does Your Blood Sugar Levels Spike in The Morning?

Home Health Diabetes Symptoms: Why Does Your Blood Sugar Levels Spike in The Morning? Diabetes Symptoms: People with diabetes shouldn’t hurry to have breakfast right away since their blood sugar levels are at their highest in the morning. Diabetes Symptoms: Why Does Your Blood Sugar Levels Spike in The Morning? Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes is a … Read more