खाने में मिलाएं ये चीज, ना बनेगी गैस, ना होगी बदहजमी, पेट की हर समस्या का होगा अंत

Constipation Home Remedies: खाना खाने के बाद कई बार एसिडिटी, गैस, पेट फूलने जैसी समस्याएं होने लगती है. इसके कई कारण हो सकते हैं. अनियमित लाइफस्टाइल, भूख से ज्यादा खाना, स्पाइसी या फ्राइड फूड खाना, समय पर खाना न खान और जरूरत से ज्यादा कैफिन के इस्तेमाल से इस तरह की परेशानी होती है. आयुर्वेदिक एक्सपर्ट्स … Read more

Make desi drink at home, will get rid of gas-acidity, it is also very easy to make

Desi Drinks Recipe For Acidity: The festival of colors Holi (Holi 2023) will be celebrated on 8 March. On this day happiness is distributed by applying color to each other. The dish is prepared at home. But after eating these dishes, there can be a complaint of indigestion. The problem of gas in the stomach … Read more

Heartburn is troubled by these home remedies

Heartburn: Heartburn is quite common. The reason for this problem can be wrong and spicy food. Apart from this, wrong way of eating, wrong lifestyle can also be the cause of heartburn. The patient suffering from this problem feels restless, burning and bloated in the stomach. If you are also facing this kind of problem, … Read more

Follow these 3 home and effective remedies to avoid the problem of acidity

DIY Solution For Acidity: Heartburn and acidity in the stomach, these problems keep happening every day. To avoid this situation, most people take English medicines so that there is no effect on the work and get immediate relief. However, taking medicines like this without asking a doctor harms health. And English medicines also give some … Read more

Acidity Issues? Try These Proven Home Remedies By Expert

Acidity Is a regular occurrence that causes a variety of problems. Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid causes pain in the esophagus. It is usually characterized by a burning sensation in the abdomen. The main causes of acidity include stress, lack of physical activity, irregular and unhealthy diet, smoking, consumption of alcohol … Read more

Eliminate the problem of acidity by eating these tasty foods, you will get instant relief

Home Remedies For Acidity: If there is acidity all the time, then you eat chenna rasgulla or say white rasgulla in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure to extract its juice before eating, otherwise you will not get the full benefit. By doing this method every day, the problem of acidity goes away. … Read more

These delicious foods protect against diseases caused by the summer season

Summer Special Ayurvedic Foods: In the summer season, there is less desire to eat food while cold beverages and light snack type foods attract a lot. However, whenever it comes to snacks or something light-hearted, our attention goes to the chips, namkeen etc. found in wrappers. However, their consumption causes great harm to the body. … Read more