Almonds Are Not Enough to Improve Memory, Do These Five Things Daily

Almonds Are Not Enough to Improve Memory, Do These Five Things Daily

If you suffer from memory loss, you should exercise regularly. Exercising regularly increases blood flow in the body. And thanks to this oxygen, it reaches the brain. People struggling with the problem of memory loss should do exercises like yoga, swimming, cycling, running and working out. This improves blood circulation in the body. By doing … Read more

बढ़ती उम्र के साथ ही बूढ़ा होने लगता है दिमाग, याद्दाश्त को बनाना है तेज तो करें ये काम

बढ़ती उम्र के साथ ही बूढ़ा होने लगता है दिमाग, याद्दाश्त को बनाना है तेज तो करें ये काम

How To Boost Memory: बढ़ती उम्र के साथ जिस तरह शरीर उम्रदराज होता है, उसी तरह दिमाग पर भी असर पड़ना लाजमी होता है. उम्र के बढ़ने के साथ दिमाग की कार्यक्षमता पर असर होता है और दिमाग चीजों को याद करने की क्षमता खोने लगता है. ऐसे में व्यक्ति अक्सर छोटी बड़ी बातों को भूलने … Read more

Is it necessary to have the habit of forgetting? Let’s know what science says

Is it necessary to have the habit of forgetting?  Let’s know what science says

Mental Health Tips: Do you also forget small things quickly? Often went out to buy things from home and forgot to bring them. Many times it also happens when we have something and while searching for it, we lift the whole house on our head. They are sitting somewhere and leave some of their belongings … Read more