Why is the problem of memory loss increasing in the young generation? The reason and solution behind going here

Why is the problem of memory loss increasing in the young generation?  The reason and solution behind going here

After an age, we often forget while doing some work or face the problem of weak memory. But in the modern lifestyle, the problem of memory loss is increasing rapidly among the young generation. Bad lifestyle can be the main reason in this. It starts with small things and later it progresses till what extent. … Read more

Is it necessary to have the habit of forgetting? Let’s know what science says

Is it necessary to have the habit of forgetting?  Let’s know what science says

Mental Health Tips: Do you also forget small things quickly? Often went out to buy things from home and forgot to bring them. Many times it also happens when we have something and while searching for it, we lift the whole house on our head. They are sitting somewhere and leave some of their belongings … Read more

Simple ways to increase your spot response and improve your memory

Simple ways to increase your spot response and improve your memory

How To Improve My Brain: Whenever and at any age you want, you can make your brain sharper and stronger than before. You can increase your memory, the ability to make smart decisions and also the ability to tolerate pain. It is all related to the powers of your mind. Most people think that humans … Read more

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

What Is Dementia: Dementia is the name of such a disease of forgetfulness, to cure which even today’s science cannot do much. After a limit, the patient suffering from this disease finds it difficult to remember things. He may even forget his own identity (Forgetfullness). In whichever family there is a patient suffering from dementia, … Read more