Heart patients need to take care of their hearts in winter, it is the most dangerous time.

Heart patients need to take care of their hearts in winter, it is the most dangerous time.

It is very important to keep the body warm during cold days. It is therefore very important to pay particular attention to the right temperature to keep the body warm. In winter, the risk of heart attack increases significantly due to lack of sleep, lack of drinking water, overeating or bad habits. Whether in winter … Read more

These five healthy-looking foods can alter the condition of your heart; if consumed excessively, they can be harmful.

These five healthy-looking foods can alter the condition of your heart;  if consumed excessively, they can be harmful.

Heart patients are advised to follow a healthy diet, but some healthy foods can have an adverse effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats which, if consumed in regular quantity, are beneficial for our … Read more

Can you eat dairy and non-vegetarian products after a heart attack? Is there a risk of increased cholesterol?

Can you eat dairy and non-vegetarian products after a heart attack?  Is there a risk of increased cholesterol?

Can you eat dairy and non-vegetarian products after a heart attack? Is there a risk of increased cholesterol? Source link

कई गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं तो कैसे रखें दिल का ख्याल, क्या-क्या सावधानी बरतें

कई गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं तो कैसे रखें दिल का ख्याल, क्या-क्या सावधानी बरतें

खराब लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान की वजह से डायबिटीज की समस्या आम हो चुकी है. दुनियाभर में डायबिटीज के कुल मामलों में से 90% मामले टाइप टू डायबिटीज के हैं. डायबिटीज दो प्रकार का होता है. टाइप वन डायबिटीज और टाइप टू डायबिटीज. डायबिटीज के मरीजों को हमेशा दिल से जुड़ी बीमारियों का खतरा ज्यादा रहता … Read more

Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

How To Prevent Heart Attack: Many myths about heart health are also heard in the discussion of our daily life. For example, problems related to heart start after the age of 40-50. There is nothing to worry about in Young Age! Once upon a time this thing used to be true but now it is … Read more

Know what to eat and what not to eat in heart disease

Know what to eat and what not to eat in heart disease

Best Diet In Heart Disease: The cases of heart disease have increased a lot since Corona. Many shocking cases have come to the fore in the last few months, in which 21-year-olds also lost their lives due to sudden heart attack. In such a situation, it is normal to be afraid among older people. Also, … Read more

Diabetes patients should take care of the heart like this

Diabetes patients should take care of the heart like this

Diabetes: Due to poor lifestyle and food, the problem of diabetes has become common. Out of the total cases of diabetes worldwide, 90% of the cases are of type two diabetes. Diabetes is of two types. Type one diabetes and type two diabetes. Diabetes patients are always at high risk of heart related diseases. Heart … Read more