This rice is best for sugar patients, improves lipid profile

Best Rice For Sugar Patients: After becoming a sugar patient, there are many restrictions in life. Especially one has to think a lot about food and drink and be alert. Because even a little carelessness can increase blood sugar. People in our country like to eat rice very much. Rice is a part of daily … Read more

Natural ways to reduce blood sugar level, effect will be seen in just 15 days

High Blood Sugar: The problems caused by diabetes are understood very well by those people, who themselves are victims of this disease or someone in whose house is suffering from this disease. When blood sugar is high, the most problem is related to urine. If there is an injury, it takes a long time to … Read more

Start the day with soaked nuts, get rid of diabetes

Benefits Of Soaked Nuts: Soaked nuts are a treasure trove of good health. If the morning is started with them, then the health is so great that you yourself will be surprised. Health experts also recommend eating soaked nuts early in the morning. Proteins are found in abundance in nuts. They also work to control … Read more