3 तरह के होते हैं हार्ट अटैक, शुरुआत में ही इन लक्षणों को पहचान लें तो बच जाएगी जान

<p style="text-align: justify;">आजकल हार्ट अटैक कभी भी…किसी को भी पड़ सकता है. दरअसल, हार्ट अटैक में छाती में अचानक से तेज दर्द उठता है. अगर व्यक्ति को सही समय पर इलाज मिल जाए तो जान बच भी सकती है वरना जान जा भी सकती है. आज लेकिन हम बात करेंगे कि हार्ट अटैक कितने तरह … Read more

This is a matter of the heart! If these are the problems then don’t forget to exercise

Heart Problem: The risk of developing heart diseases is high due to poor lifestyle. To improve life, celebrities or common people turn to the gym. But if the heart stops working in the gym itself, then there is a need to be alert. In the last two years, he died of a heart attack while … Read more

Must recognize, this disease happens 10 years before heart attack

Heart Disease: Heart attack can happen anywhere, anytime. If the treatment is received on time, the chances of survival of the patient are high. Delay in treatment increases the risk to the patient’s life. Heart attack is one of the leading causes of sudden death. In one moment it may happen that you are engaged … Read more

Because of this one reason, most of the people of the country are getting heart attack, you will be surprised to know.

Heart Attack: The risk of heart diseases has increased due to changing lifestyle. Due to lifestyle, diseases like diabetes and hypertension are at home. Along with this, the risk of heart diseases also increases. Heart attack cases have increased rapidly in India in the last few years. If we talk about the last 2 years, … Read more

AIIMS bike ambulance will reach within minutes to help if heart attack occurs

Bike Ambulance: In an emergency, an ambulance acts as a lifeline. The purpose of the ambulance is to take the patient to the hospital quickly and provide primary treatment at the earliest. By now you must have heard of four wheeler ambulance. But now two wheelers i.e. bike ambulances are also running on the roads … Read more