आपका शरीर भी हमेशा रहता है गर्म तो जान लीजिए सही कारण और कितनी गंभीर हो सकती है समस्या

Causes Of High Body Temperature: आपके आसपास कुछ ऐसे लोग जरूर होंगे, ठंड भरे दिनों में जिनकी हथेली छूने पर गर्माहट का अहसास होता हो. या, आप खुद ऐसे लोगों में शामिल हो सकते हैं जिनके शरीर का तापमान सामान्य से ज्यादा ही बना रहता हो. इसे सामान्य मान कर अनदेखा करने की भूल बिलकुल न … Read more

शरीर में गांठ है और दर्द नहीं होता… फिर भी हो सकता है कैंसर! जानें क्या कहते हैं हेल्थ एक्सपर

King George’s Medical University (KGMU) के हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक गर्दन, बगल, या कमर में बिना किसी दर्द के गांठ हैं तो यह लसीका कैंसर के लक्षण हो सकते हैं. डॉक्टरों ने बताया कि लिम्फेटिक बल्ड सर्कुलेशन और नोड्स का एक नेटवर्क है जो संक्रमण और बीमारी से लड़ने में मदद करता है. लिम्फ नोड्स … Read more

What is Listeria Infection, A Deadly Bacterial Outbreak Linked to Milkshakes in USA?

Home Health What is Listeria Infection, A Deadly Bacterial Outbreak Linked to Milkshakes in USA? All You Need to Know As many as three people succumbed to death after consuming listeria contaminated milkshake for the same burger chain in USA. Read all about the fatal bacterial infection here. Did you know milkshakes can kill you … Read more

The risk of fungal infection increases during the rainy season… If you follow these tips, you will not be able to touch

Fungal Infections In Monsoon: Rain brings relief after the scorching heat, but it also brings with it the risk of many diseases and infections. We all know that the risk of fungal infection increases manifold during the rainy season. Due to getting wet in rain or staying in water for a long time, fungal infections … Read more

Identify navel infection in time with these symptoms, ignoring may be costly!

Navel Infection: Identify infection in the navel with these symptoms in time, ignoring may be costly! Source link

H3N2 Virus has killed 7 people so far, is this virus as deadly as COVID-19? learn here

H3N2 Virus India Cases: H3N2 is one of the seasonal influenza viruses that infect humans, especially at this time of year, and we are seeing a slight increase in the number of detected cases. Unlike Kovid-19, this type of virus is definitely not life threatening. However, it is important to keep in mind that any … Read more

Cats will cause mayhem! Skin fungal disease spreading in humans, 3 cases found in Britain

Cat Transmitted Infection: A dreadful disease has been detected in Britain. The surprising thing is that this disease spreads through cats. This disease was first detected in South America. These days many cases of flash eating bacteria have been reported in America. In such a situation, the arrival of a new disease from America to … Read more

Tips to avoid and fight sexual health diseases in men and women

While it is important that people are aware of AIDS and taking the necessary precautions to avoid it, it also becomes important for people to know their general sexual state. Health, which means knowing the different sexually transmitted diseases, how they are contracted, and how to protect yourself from them. There are a variety of … Read more