These natural drinks and food will give relief to jaundice patients, but these 4 things have to be avoided

Jaundice Patient Food: Jaundice is one of the most common liver disorders. The skin turns yellow due to an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood. This is the most common symptom of this disease. Jaundice is mostly seen in newborns, young children and adults with weak immunity. People suffering from jaundice are … Read more

Jaundice not going away? Is it an indication of cancer… read this news

It is not known when to get which disease. With some diseases, a person takes life, but there are some diseases that make the person sleep before premature death. Cancer is one of them disease. The growth of cancer is the growth of cells of the body from an uncontrolled level. If the cells of … Read more

This precaution is necessary to prevent jaundice, this problem is more in the rainy season

What is Joundice: In jaundice, the skin, the white part of the eyes and the mucus (phlegm coming out of the body) all turn yellow in color. Because the level of bilirubin in the body is very high during joint disease. Bilirubin is a type of bile, which is red-orange in color. This bile is … Read more

This habit of ours weakens the kidney, do not do such negligence

Kidney Health: The rainy season is going on. In such a situation, water contamination of drinking water is a common problem of our country. But if you accidentally consume infected water or eat stale food, then the first effect will be on the kidney and liver and the risk of infection will increase. This is … Read more

Hepatitis outbreak in children may be caused by Adenovirus type 41, claims Hulu University

Recently, severe liver inflammation (hepatitis) has been reported in healthy children. As of 21 April, there have been 169 cases of “severe hepatitis of unknown type” in children in 12 countries, with the majority (114) in the UK. Many children suffering from the disease are under the age of ten years. What has been of … Read more