10-Minute Cardio Inspired by Alex Morgan | POPSUGAR FITNESS

10 Minute Cardio Inspired by Alex Morgan | POPSUGAR FITNESS  POP SUGAR Gym .

Soha Ali Khan’s Adho Mukha Vrksasana makes us add handstand to fitness routine

TO physical aptitude motivation on a slow Thursday is the last thing we expected, but the Bollywood actor and writer Soha Ali KhanThe Adho Mukha Vrksasana or handstand training video had us jumping out of bed and running into the routine in no time with energies pumped. Once again giving a sneak peek of her … Read more

15-Minute Progressive Core Workout With Maricris Lapaix

15-minute progressive basic training with Maricris Lapaix  POP SUGAR Gym .

Malaika Arora shares 3 Yoga asanas to ‘strengthen your core muscles’ | Watch

With the gyms closed and another closure in sight, Malaika Arora encourages fans to exercise at home and suggests 3 yoga asanas to strengthen core muscles, which is all the fitness inspo we need to let go of the sadness. of the working day | Check out the health benefits of indoor exercises ForZarafshan Shiraz, … Read more