अगर 7 दिन ‘सिर्फ पानी वाला व्रत’ रखें तो बॉडी के अंदर क्या होगा? जान लीजिए

अगर 7 दिन ‘सिर्फ पानी वाला व्रत’ रखें तो बॉडी के अंदर क्या होगा? जान लीजिए

Water Fasting: इस मॉर्डन लाइफस्टाइल में खुद को फिट रखना ही एक बहुत बड़ा चैलेंज है. खुद को हेल्दी, पतला, खूबसूरत दिखने के लिए लोग कई तरह के तरकीब अपनाते हैं. जैसे- मीठे फल, चीनी या चॉकलेट बिल्कुल भी खाना बंद कर देते हैं. लेकिन आज हम आपको वाटर फास्टिंग के बारे में बताने जा … Read more

Why carbs are important on a Keto diet?

Why carbs are important on a Keto diet?

On a keto diet, a person eats foods that have high-fat and very low carbohydrate levels. The diet does not include a wide range of foods including some fruits and vegetables as well as slices of bread, beans and legumes. This article looks at carbs importance on a keto diet. What are carbs? Carbohydrates 1 … Read more

How does keto pill work

Know complete information related to how does keto pill work in very easy and simple language through this post of ours. In view of the widespread problem of obesity, many companies are competing to make products related to removing obesity. Therefore, there are very few medicines in the market that can be trusted and which … Read more

What is ketosis: know its advantages and disadvantages

What is ketosis: know its advantages and disadvantages

Know complete information related to what is ketosis in very easy and simple language through this post of ours. Talking about diet, keto diet is very much discussed among us these days. There are many people who do not know what is keto diet, in fact, keto diet is known for low carbohydrate diet. When … Read more

How many carbs for keto? Explanation, tips and more

How many carbs for keto? Explanation, tips and more

To enter ketosis, you need the right proportion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Which leads to a common question: How many carbs should you eat for keto? One of the basic principles of ketogenic diet is to keep carbohydrate intake extremely low – less than 50 grams per day. Below, you will learn how many … Read more

Why am i not losing weight on ketosis?

Why am i not losing weight on ketosis?

This is going to be a nice read. So if you are passionate about weight loss, then only read it, otherwise, check out other categories of ketodietcenter.in. This post is all about not losing weight on ketosis and later on tips to avoid mistakes so you can lose weight on the keto diet. The ketogenic diet has … Read more

Is a keto diet dangerous? 12+ keto diet side effects You need to know

Is a keto diet dangerous? 12+ keto diet side effects You need to know

If you are looking for how dangerous is a keto diet? Then you are in a right place.  First, we have to understand the science behind the metabolism and work function of the human body to keep your body in shape. Once you know the mechanism of the human body functioning, you can calculate your calorie … Read more