If there is swelling in the feet, then get these two important tests done immediately, otherwise the kidney disease will go on increasing.

If there is swelling in the feet, then get these two important tests done immediately, otherwise the kidney disease will go on increasing.

World Kidney Day: Persistent swelling of the feet and ankles can be a sign of kidney-related diseases. If a pit or dimple is formed on that part when you press it with your fingers, then you should be careful and should not take this symptom lightly, because it can also be a signal of problems … Read more

Drinking water is a good thing… but drinking too much is dangerous for ‘kidney’, know how much water is right to drink daily?

Drinking water is a good thing… but drinking too much is dangerous for ‘kidney’, know how much water is right to drink daily?

World Kidney Day 2023: Every year on March 9, ‘World Kidney Day’ is celebrated. The purpose of this day is to make people aware about kidney related diseases and problems and to reduce the spread of this disease. To maintain kidney health, it is often said that one should drink more and more water, so … Read more

Dehydration Can Lead to Severe Kidney Damage, 5 Tips to be ‘Water Wise’

Dehydration Can Lead to Severe Kidney Damage, 5 Tips to be ‘Water Wise’

Home Health Kidney disease: dehydration can lead to severe kidney damage, 5 tips to be ‘water wise’ Kidney Health: 5 Tips to Make Sure You’re Drinking Enough Water to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy. Kidney disease: dehydration can lead to severe kidney damage, 5 tips to be ‘water wise’ Our kidneys stay healthy when we drink … Read more

Quit alcohol habit for years like this

Quit alcohol habit for years like this

Anything behind the word addiction is harmful to our body. Whether it is an addiction to studies or alcohol. Consuming anything in excess can be harmful for the body. Often you must have read through posters, banners in public places that drinking alcohol is injurious to health. Despite being written in big letters, people still … Read more