What is the difference between kidney stones and gallstones? – GoMedia

What is the difference between kidney stones and gallstones? – GoMedia

It is very common to have kidney stones, but it is only after having gallstones that people know that there are also stones in the gallbladder. While gallstones are more painful than kidney stones. A patient suffering from gallstones should not consume foods rich in cholesterol. Gallstones are more dangerous because they can grow to … Read more

बार-बार हो रहा है यूटीआई तो संभल जाएं क्योंकि आपकी किडनी में है यह बीमारी

बार-बार हो रहा है यूटीआई तो संभल जाएं क्योंकि आपकी किडनी में है यह बीमारी

<p style="text-align: justify;">किडनी, यूथेरा और ब्लाडर हमारे टॉयलेट निकलने का रास्ता है. जो भी पानी हम पीते हैं वह ब्लड में चला जाता है और किडनी उसे फिल्टर करने का काम करती है. इसके बाद यह यूरेटर से होते हुए यूथेरा में चला जाता है. जहां यह जमा होकर फिर बाहर निकल जाता है. किसी … Read more

Does eating tomatoes really cause kidney stones?

Does eating tomatoes really cause kidney stones?

Kidney Stone: Does eating tomatoes really cause kidney stones? Source link

Can drinking beer cure ‘kidney stones’? Know what doctors say about this

Can drinking beer cure ‘kidney stones’?  Know what doctors say about this

Kidney Stones: These days a rapid increase is being seen in the cases of kidney stones. Along with being painful, kidney stone also causes a lot of difficulty in urination and can cause swelling in the kidney. Stones are formed due to the hard deposits of minerals and salts in the kidney. It is made … Read more

What are the symptoms of kidney stone and what are the causes of stone?

What are the symptoms of kidney stone and what are the causes of stone?

Kidney Stones Symptoms And Treatment: It is common to have stones in the kidney. It can also be treated easily, but you need to be aware of this growing disease. It is important for you to know that what are the reasons for having a stone and how to recognize that there is no stone … Read more