Can moong dal spoil health? Know which people should not eat…

Side Effects of Moong ki dal: You must have always heard from the elders of the house saying that you must eat pulses. You can put any problem related to health in front of them, from there only one question will be asked. Do you eat lentils? Dal is really nectar for those people who … Read more

Does drinking coffee cause kidney stones? read this if you drink

Health Care Tips: Does drinking coffee cause kidney stones? read this if you drink Source link

Similar symptoms… How to find out whether there is a stone in the kidney or in the gallbladder…?

Kidney Stone VS Gallbladder Stone: The symptoms of kidney stone and gallbladder stone are similar. That’s why many people find it very difficult to find out whether these symptoms are of kidney stone or gallbladder stone. In both the diseases, symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and fever are seen. Both these problems create different … Read more

Can drinking beer cure ‘kidney stones’? Know what doctors say about this

Kidney Stones: These days a rapid increase is being seen in the cases of kidney stones. Along with being painful, kidney stone also causes a lot of difficulty in urination and can cause swelling in the kidney. Stones are formed due to the hard deposits of minerals and salts in the kidney. It is made … Read more

Too much salt in food can make stone victim

Kidney Stone Symptoms: There is a need to keep the human body very well. In such a situation, if you follow an unhealthy lifestyle even a little, then some serious disease can catch you. One of these diseases is stone disease in the stomach. Pain and swelling starts in the joint due to stones. If … Read more

Two stones of 1.6 cm each came out of the kidney of a 3-year-old child, doctors said – it was not easy

A shocking case has come to light from Hyderabad. Doctors at a hospital here removed a 1.6 cm stone from the urinary bladder of a 3-year-old child. Stone in the child was detected when the child experienced great difficulty in passing urine. The child used to cry again and again due to unbearable pain. Not … Read more

There are many side effects of moong dal as well.

Health Tips:  Due to lifestyle, many types of diseases knock in the body. Like blood sugar, thyroid, uric acid, hypertension etc. In such a situation, the most important thing is that you take special care of your diet and health. Sometimes a small and common looking disease can cause serious problems. Lentils are very beneficial … Read more