सर्दी के मौसम में अपने लाडले को बीमारियों से दूर रखने के लिए आज़माएं ये देसी नुस्खे

सर्दी के मौसम में अपने लाडले को बीमारियों से दूर रखने के लिए आज़माएं ये देसी नुस्खे

Winter Baby Care: सर्दियां आते ही लोग बड़े और बच्चों की खास देखभाल में जुट जाते हैं. खासकर छोटे बच्चों (baby care in winter)को ठंड बहुत जल्दी लगती है. दरअसल छोटे बच्चों का इम्यून सिस्टम कमजोर होता है और इसी कारण उनको सर्दी जुकाम जैसी बीमारियां जल्दी लगती हैं. खासकर उनकी संवेदनशील त्वचा होने के चलते … Read more

Is the child lethargic even after sleeping for a long time? Know how many hours it is necessary for him to sleep

Is the child lethargic even after sleeping for a long time?  Know how many hours it is necessary for him to sleep

Baby Sleep Advice : Full and deep sleep is very important for everyone, be it children or adults. Body and mind get rest only by good sleep. After exhausting the whole day, we are able to start the next day with energy. If sleep is disturbed, then many health related disturbances start happening. At the … Read more

Feed these things to children when they have diarrhea, will get immediate benefit

Feed these things to children when they have diarrhea, will get immediate benefit

Diet for Diarrhea: Diarrhea is common in babies, but if this problem persists for several days in a row, then it can be a matter of concern. Actually, due to diarrhea, there is a lack of water in the body of children, which can prove to be very harmful for them. Although children should not … Read more

Coffee For Kids: Should babies be given coffee? Know what is the opinion of experts

Coffee For Kids: Should babies be given coffee?  Know what is the opinion of experts

Coffee for Kids : Every parent wants to give the best things to their children. That’s why they take care of every little thing of the children. Especially, parents take care of things related to food and nutrients a lot. But if you are a parent of a teenager that you can understand how difficult … Read more

Juvenile Arthritis: If you see these symptoms, then understand that Arthritis is affecting children

Juvenile Arthritis: If you see these symptoms, then understand that Arthritis is affecting children

Treatment of Juvenile Arthritis: Arthritis disease is affecting not only the elders or the elderly but also children nowadays. Yes, till today we had heard about this disease only in elders, but now its penetration is being made in children also. It has been revealed in the NCBI report that 1 out of 250 children … Read more

Be careful while giving drinks to children, otherwise there may be trouble

Be careful while giving drinks to children, otherwise there may be trouble

Drinks for Kids : Most of the parents give fruit juice or any other packaged juice to their children for breakfast. Parents believe that these drinks are very beneficial for their health, but let us tell you that the nutrient in such juice is equal to zero. Actually, all the nutrients in the preserve juice … Read more

These three mistakes of washing hands in children can harm health, know how

These three mistakes of washing hands in children can harm health, know how

Kids Hand Washing Mistakes: You must have noticed many times that no matter how much you take care of hygiene, whether it is a matter of cooking, feeding or cleaning, your children get sick again and again. Due to which you not only have to suffer, but also how much harm it causes to the … Read more