How long can one survive without sleeping? What if you don’t get enough sleep? Know the answer here

How long can one survive without sleeping?  What if you don’t get enough sleep?  Know the answer here

Disadvantages Of Lack Of Sleep: Getting enough sleep is very important for a healthy body. Because lack of sleep increases the risk of many diseases in the body. Lack of sleep has been linked to serious diseases in many studies. Due to today’s busy schedule, people are not able to get enough sleep. Because of … Read more

There is a risk of this serious disease in people who snore more, if the solution is not found then the problem will increase

There is a risk of this serious disease in people who snore more, if the solution is not found then the problem will increase

Many people have the habit of snoring while sleeping. By the way, it is common to see such effects along with aging. But a study suggests that people who snore are almost twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to quiet sleepers. Irish researchers have found that snorers have a higher risk of … Read more

Sleep Deprivation: Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep Can Cause THESE 6 Health Problems

Sleep Deprivation: Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep Can Cause THESE 6 Health Problems

Home Health Are you sleeping less than 7 hours? Lack of sleep can make you vulnerable to THESE 5 health problems Flu infections are already on the rise, and lack of sleep can make you more susceptible to catching it. Here is how. Are you sleeping less than 7 hours? Lack of sleep can make … Read more

Having Disturbed Sleep? 5Everyday Habits That Leads To Poor Quality Sleep

Having Disturbed Sleep? 5Everyday Habits That Leads To Poor Quality Sleep

Home Health Do you have disturbed sleep? 5 everyday habits that lead to poor quality sleep Did you know that there are so many everyday habits that we all adopt that lead to poor sleep quality? Sleeping, an underestimated but sought after activity. How often do we complain about lack of sleep and not being … Read more

Sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours… is a danger bell for your heart, know here how

Sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours… is a danger bell for your heart, know here how

Less Sleep Heart Attack: A new study has revealed that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a day puts your heart at risk. Sleeping for seven to eight hours is a good habit to reduce the risk of PAD. To live a good life, there is a lot of need for a lot of … Read more

Sleep Deprivation: 7 Tips and Trick To Enhance Quality Sleep At Night

Sleep Deprivation: 7 Tips and Trick To Enhance Quality Sleep At Night

Home Health Sleep deprivation: 7 expert-backed tips to improve the quality of your sleep at night Making certain lifestyle changes can help us improve the quality of our sleep at night. Sleep deprivation or lack of sleep has become a more glorified concept with people taking pride in it. On World Sleep Day, memes rained … Read more

Can’t sleep quickly despite a million attempts! So definitely eat these 4 food items before sleeping

Can’t sleep quickly despite a million attempts!  So definitely eat these 4 food items before sleeping

World Sleep Day 2023: Getting good sleep is beneficial for our overall health. It not only keeps us fresh throughout the day, but also reduces the risk of many serious diseases. When you sleep well, both your mind and body remain active. Moreover, the strength of immunity also remains intact. Generally, every adult should take … Read more

Tossing and Turning In Bed? 6 Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Overall Health

Tossing and Turning In Bed? 6 Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Overall Health

Home Health Toss and turn in bed? 6 effects of sleep deprivation on general health Sleep deprivation: Do you know that a lot happens inside the body when we are asleep? And if the cycle is disrupted, it can take a heavy toll on the body and mind. Sleep deprivation: Toss and turn in bed? … Read more