फैमिली हिस्ट्री बन सकती है लंग्स कैंसर का कारण, नॉन स्मोकर्स को भी खतरा

फैमिली हिस्ट्री बन सकती है लंग्स कैंसर का कारण, नॉन स्मोकर्स को भी खतरा

Smoking and Lung Cancer: स्मोकिंग लंग्स कैंसर का सबसे बड़ा कारण माना जाता है. नॉन-स्माल सेल लंग कैंसर (NSCLC) और स्मॉल सेल लंग कैंसर (SCLC) फेफड़ों के कैंसर के दो मुख्य प्रकार हैं. NSCLC कम बार होता है और आमतौर पर तेजी से विकसित होता है, जबकि SCLC ज्यादा सामान्य होने से धीरे-धीरे विकसित होते … Read more

Can You Get Lung Cancer Even if You Don’t Smoke? Expert Speaks

Can You Get Lung Cancer Even if You Don’t Smoke? Expert Speaks

Home Health Can You Get Lung Cancer Even if You Don’t Smoke? Expert Speaks Big Bang Theory actress, Kate Micucci, recently revealed that she was diagnosed with lung cancer and had never smoked a cigarette. The question arises, is it possible to get cancer when you don’t smoke? DOCTOR VERIFIED Can You Get Lung Cancer … Read more

Lung Cancer: What is The Role of Radiation Therapy? Experts Speak

Lung Cancer: What is The Role of Radiation Therapy? Experts Speak

Home Health Lung Cancer: What is The Role of Radiation Therapy? Experts Speak Radiation therapy, also known as radiotherapy, involves the use of high-energy X-rays or other forms of radiation to target and kill cancer cells. Lung Cancer: What is The Role of Radiation Therapy? Experts Speak Lung cancer remains a formidable adversary in the … Read more

उंगलियों और नाखूनों पर दिखाई देते हैं फेफड़े के कैंसर के ये लक्षण

उंगलियों और नाखूनों पर दिखाई देते हैं फेफड़े के कैंसर के ये लक्षण

Lung Cancer Symptoms On Finger: शरीर में पनपने वाली हर बीमारी कोई न कोई संकेत जरूरी देती है. हालांकि वो संकेत इतने कॉमन होते हैं कि उन्हें हम अक्सर छोटी-मोटी दिक्कत समझकर इग्नोर कर देते हैं. इग्नोर करने की वजह से बीमारी को पांव पसारने का और शरीर में अपना विस्तार करने का मौका मिल … Read more

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

Lung Cancer : Cancer is the world’s most dangerous deadly disease. Even though today its treatment has become much easier than before, but even today millions of people are dying every year due to this disease. Breast and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men are considered to be the most dangerous but … Read more

As soon as you blow, you will know if there is cancer in the lungs? AIIMS made such a device

As soon as you blow, you will know if there is cancer in the lungs?  AIIMS made such a device

Electronic Nose Device: Cancer is such a dangerous disease, which most of the people get to know at the last stage. Sometimes the condition worsens so much that even the treatment becomes ineffective. Like other diseases, the symptoms of cancer also emerge in the body, but we often ignore them thinking it as a minor … Read more