जो लोग शराब पीते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर कम काटते हैं! क्या इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है?

<p style="text-align: justify;">मच्छर को लेकर अक्सर एक बात कही जाती है. जैसे- जिसका खून मीठा होता है उन्हें ज्यादा मच्छर काटते हैं. वहीं शराब पीने वालों को कम मच्छर काटते हैं. आज हम अपने आर्टिकल के जरिए इन्हीं मिथक पर से पर्दा हटाएंगे. साथ ही यह भी जानने की कोशिश करेंगे कि इसमें कितनी सच्चाई … Read more

Mosquito Coil: If you use coil to kill mosquitoes, then be careful, it can cause many diseases.

Even these days people are troubled by mosquitoes despite the arrival of winter season. To get rid of mosquitoes, people use mosquito coils, all out etc. in homes. Even if mosquitoes run away by burning mosquito coils, it has a negative effect on our health. In a recent research, it was found that one coil … Read more

Why do mosquitoes bite more and less? Got the biggest answer of the century

Mosquitoes Bites: In a place, where 3-4 people are standing together and there are mosquitoes too, then how does it decide which person the mosquito will bite the most? If you bite more than one person, then what is that thing, due to which mosquitoes suffocate that person’s nose. Scientists have given the answer to … Read more

Mosquitoes are responsible for these 11 serious diseases, spread infection in humans

Disease Spread by Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can spread many such diseases, which can prove to be fatal. In a research conducted by the University of New South Wales, Australia, it has been revealed that every year around 5 lakh people die worldwide due to infection spread by mosquitoes. This is just the death toll, only by … Read more

Mosquitoes are not the same, but they also have variety, know here which mosquito sucks blood

Different Types of Mosquitoes: Heard that disturbing music playing in the ear while sleeping at night? Sudden feeling of burning and itching with a sharp prick anywhere in the body while working in peace? We all have their experience and we know the insects that do all this by the name of mosquitoes. Although very … Read more

Simple ways to avoid mosquitoes, diseases like dengue and malaria will stay away

Mosquitoes Prevention: The outbreak of mosquitoes has increased again these days and this process is going to continue till winter comes. Apart from keeping the house and surrounding area clean, you can adopt some easy but very effective tricks to prevent mosquitoes (Mosquitoes Prevention Tips In Hindi). To avoid mosquito-borne diseases… don’t let mosquitoes enter … Read more

Mosquito Repellent: These natural methods can drive away mosquitoes from homes

Make Mosquito Repellant: What we do not do to avoid mosquitoes in monsoon season. For this, cleanliness is necessary as well as you also use a coil or liquid machine to drive away mosquitoes. Let us tell you that all the ingredients used in these chemicals and chemical substances can prove to be fatal for … Read more