नवरात्रि व्रत के दौरान वजन कम करना है तो कभी न करें ये चार गलतियां

नवरात्रि व्रत के दौरान वजन कम करना है तो कभी न करें ये चार गलतियां Source link

नवरात्रि व्रत के दौरान कभी न करें ये 5 गलतियां, वजन घटने के बजाए बढ़ सकता है, जानें कैसे?

Navratri Vrat 2023 : नवरात्रि का आज तीसरा दिन है. नवरात्रि के पावन अवसर पर अधिकतर लोग नौ दिनों का व्रत रखते हैं. यह व्रत हमारे अंदर आस्था और भक्ति की भावना को बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ शारीरिक रूप से भी हमें स्वस्थ एवं तंदुरुस्त बनाए रखने में मदद करता है. इस दौरान हम अपने खान-पान … Read more

Navratri 2023: 6 MUST Know Tips For Diabetics to Follow During Nine-Day Long Fast

Home Health Navratri 2023: 6 Essential Tips For Diabetics to Observe Fast and Manage Glucose Level During Navratri people often observe a nine-day-long fast. However, it may get a bit difficult for people with diabetes to go long hours without proper food. Here are some tips and tricks to manage glucose level during this period. … Read more

Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women: Dos and Don’ts to Follow

Home Health Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women: Do’s And Don’ts Before Keeping Fast Navratri 2023 Fasting Rules For Pregnant Women: It is important for pregnant women to check the do’s and don’ts. Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women Do’s And Don’ts Before Keeping Fast Navratri 2023 Fasting Tips For Pregnant Women: The … Read more

There is a good chance to lose weight in Navratri, just keep these things in mind

Navratri 2022: The festival of Navratri full of colours, tradition, songs and dance makes our mind quite energized. On hearing the name of Navratri, many people feel a different new energy. During this, everyone is happy to see different types of programs and pandals being punished for 9 days. Also, many people keep a fast … Read more

Keeping fast in Navratri? Consumption of these things will not cause weakness

Navratri Diet Plan: Sharadiya Navratri will start from 26 September. Many people keep a fast for 9 days on this occasion. If you are also fasting on this auspicious occasion, then during this time it is very important for you to take care of your diet for the whole nine days, so that you do … Read more