If you see the symptoms of monkeypox in children, then instead of panic, do these measures

Monkeypox virus : After the dangerous and frightening phase of Corona, now the virus named Monkeypox has increased the concerns of the people. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also declared a global emergency regarding this. Recently, Monkeypox Symptoms have been seen in many people. According to some reports, now children are also falling prey … Read more

There is concern about the height of children, so do not panic, follow these tips

Home Remedies To Increase Height: If you are also worried about the height of your child that his height is not as much as his age, then do not panic. Today we are telling you some home remedies, with the help of which you will definitely see a difference in your child’s height. All the … Read more

Yoga in Pregnancy: If you have to do yoga in pregnancy, do not panic, take special care of these things

Yoga in Pregnancy: If you want to do yoga in pregnancy, do not panic, take special care of these things. Source link

Troubled by increased weight before marriage, do not panic, follow these tips

Weight Loss Tips For Bridal: Every bride-to-be in the world wants to look perfect and beautiful in her wedding. For this, she also makes every effort and it is inevitable that she also lives in tension. At the same time, many brides have a lot of trouble and tension due to their increased weight, how … Read more

Guests are about to come, do not panic, clean your dirty room in such minutes

How To Make Your Home Look Clean: Guests are about to arrive in the house and you can’t figure out where to start cleaning the room and where it ends! So today we are telling you some easy tricks, through which you can clean the room in no time. Yes, suddenly there is a call … Read more