इन कारणों से पीरियड्स में होता है ज्यादा थकान, जानें इसका समाधान

इन कारणों से पीरियड्स में होता है ज्यादा थकान, जानें इसका समाधान

Tiredness During Periods : पीरियड्स के दौरान महिलाओं को थकान महसूस होना आम बात है. इसके पीछे कई कारण हो सकते हैं.  पीरियड के दौरान होने वाले रक्त स्राव से शरीर में आयरन की स्तर में कमी , खून की कमी आदि हो सकता है, जिससे हेमोग्लोबिन की स्तर में गिरावट होती है. जब हेमोग्लोबिन … Read more

Why there is complaint of gas and constipation during periods, some people start loose motions

Why there is complaint of gas and constipation during periods, some people start loose motions

Those 5 days of periods are full of difficulties for any girl, woman and woman.  Because those 5 days are dangerous mood swings, stomach and back pain for a woman. Doesn’t feel like doing any work. As soon as the periods start, strange pain starts in the stomach, lower and other body parts of the … Read more

Take care of daughters, ask them! If there are no periods for 14 years, is it normal or not?

Take care of daughters, ask them!  If there are no periods for 14 years, is it normal or not?

There are many biological changes in the human body at different stages of age. It is said that only after 2 to two and a half years, many types of physical changes start happening in the children’s body. Today we will talk about ‘Puberty’ and ‘Periods’ of girls. Generally, ‘poverty’ of boys or girls starts … Read more

Heart problems can occur due to excessive pain in periods, follow these measures to reduce pain

Heart problems can occur due to excessive pain in periods, follow these measures to reduce pain

Periods means for the next 5 days some internal changes take place in your body. All women complain of pain during periods. Blood flow and abdominal pain give more trouble to some woman and less to some woman. Periods can last for 3 days for some women and for 5-6 days for others. This pain … Read more

Alexa will now offer advice on periods to UK teenagers, here’s how – ET HealthWorld

Alexa will now offer advice on periods to UK teenagers, here’s how – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Conversations about menstruation can still make parents and teens a bit uncomfortable. However, they need some good knowledge about this before entering a new phase of life and making decisions about their health. As long as the problem persists, Amazon United Kingdom has trained alexaits virtual assistant technology on how to give advice … Read more

Unbearable pain in periods? So start sleeping in these 4 sleeping positions, you will get immediate relief

Unbearable pain in periods?  So start sleeping in these 4 sleeping positions, you will get immediate relief

Best Sleeping Positions For Period Cramps: Dealing with the unbearable pain of periods is a big task for women. Due to this pain, they have to face many problems. The pain of periods is as if a barbed wire is piercing in the lower abdomen, thighs and waist. By the way, some women use heating … Read more

Period Pain: 3 Vitamins That Help in Getting Relieve From Menstrual Cramps

Period Pain: 3 Vitamins That Help in Getting Relieve From Menstrual Cramps

Home Health Period pain: 3 vitamins that help relieve menstrual cramps Nutritionist recommends women to include these 3 essential nutrients to reduce menstrual pain and other symptoms. Menstrual pain: 3 vitamins that help relieve menstrual cramps During menstruation, women experience excruciating pain around the abdomen, lower back, and thighs. This is because the womb muscle … Read more

Irregular Periods? 6 Foods To Include in Your Diet For Healthy Menstrual Cycles

Irregular Periods? 6 Foods To Include in Your Diet For Healthy Menstrual Cycles

Home Women Irregular periods? 6 foods to include in your diet to have healthy menstrual cycles Irregular periods are becoming a common health problem for women. A healthy menstrual cycle is an indication of good health, while an irregular cycle can be an indication to modify your lifestyle and cons. Irregular periods are becoming a … Read more