Such contraceptive pills affect mental health, do not take this thing lightly

Contraceptive Pills and mental health: Most women use birth control pills to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Because they are easy to take and usually they do not have any such side effects, which can cause a lot of harm. But if you keep on taking these pills for a long time, then you may suffer from … Read more

How many types of birth control pills are there and when they should be consumed, know

How To Choose Birth Control Pills: Birth control pills are used to avoid unwanted pregnancy. In today’s time, a large number of women are using these contraceptive pills. There are many types of these pills and the method of taking them is also different. Here is information about which contraceptive pill you should choose when … Read more

Sleeping Pills: If You Take Sleeping Pills To Sleep, Then How Dangerous Is It?

Sleeping Pills: If you too have become addicted to taking sleeping pills due to any tension or stress, then this news is for you. We are telling you about some side effects of taking sleeping medicine. Along with this, it will also tell how you can avoid its consumption and how to enjoy a good … Read more

Do you want to know about caffeine pills?

Know complete information related to caffeine pills in very easy and simple language through this post of ours. Taking a caffeine pill can lead to temporary increases in energy, memory and focus exactly like drinking a cup of coffee. While caffeine pills can help a person study or stay awake, high doses of caffeine can … Read more