Support employee mental health with a mandated time off program

joe alim He is the vice president of products and operations for compt, an employee stipend platform. Alim was also the co-founder and COO of ScholarJet, a talent and technology startup. I had only been working in the company for eight months when our CEO told me to pick a week to take off, or … Read more

Quit alcohol habit for years like this

Anything behind the word addiction is harmful to our body. Whether it is an addiction to studies or alcohol. Consuming anything in excess can be harmful for the body. Often you must have read through posters, banners in public places that drinking alcohol is injurious to health. Despite being written in big letters, people still … Read more

The hobby of blowing smoke can be heavy, quit e-cigarettes from today itself

E-cigarettes Side Effects : Today there are many people who use e-cigarette as an intoxicant. Its addiction is also increasing rapidly. Especially among the youth, it is recovering as a craze. which is a matter of concern. Many people also believe that normal cigarettes may cause harm, but e-cigarettes are completely safe. This is completely … Read more

These habits of yours can increase the risk of heart attack, quit today

Heart Health: These habits of yours can increase the risk of heart attack, quit today. Source link

Get Rid Of Dark Lips: This dirty habit of yours makes your lips black, quit them today

How To Get Rid Of Dark Lips: Everyone wants that along with his skin, his lips should also be the identity of beauty. But you know that due to some of your own mistakes, your lips become lifeless and dark. Yes, today we will tell you that due to which mistakes can turn your lips … Read more

Quit Smoking: Very strange but very effective this recipe to quit cigarette

Tips To Quit Smoking: Once you get into any addiction like smoking, it is not easy to leave it. Especially when you have people with similar habits around you. But it is best to give up smoking and alcohol in any case. Many times people are not able to do this even after lakhs of … Read more