Do you get a severe headache these days as soon as you wake up in the morning? this is the reason

Causes Of Morning Headache: Often people feel energetic, refreshing and fresh after waking up early in the morning. Stay focused towards your work. It is also necessary for this to happen after taking 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Your whole day’s tiredness goes away. Energy gets restored, but there are some people who neither … Read more

Doesn’t your mother even let you drink water after eating fruits? this is the real reason

Health Tips: Often you must have heard elders in your house saying that water should not be drunk after eating fruits. If you want to drink water, then you have to drink it only after 1 hour of eating, in childhood it was not understood, due to the fear of elders, either did not drink … Read more

Apple Benefits: Are apples the reason for your weight gain? Know now the right time to eat

Apple Benefits: The taste of eating apple is sour-sweet, so it is very good to eat this fruit from children to old people. Let us tell you that there are countless benefits of eating this fruit on an empty stomach. Apple is such a fruit which is considered to be rich in the properties of … Read more

Youths who stay online for hours must consume fennel, you will be happy to know the reason

Why Should Eat Fennel Seeds: Whether you stay online for any reason and watch the screen for many hours a day, it is important for you to eat fennel. You would say that what does eating fennel have to do with being online? So you are being told about this here. Believe me, after reading … Read more

Want to know why your hair gets split ends? The reason for number three will surprise you

Split ends hair care tips: Among the many problems related to hair, a big problem is their split ends. Once the hair becomes split, the only option left is to cut it short. If women have to get haircut without their wish, then it is no less than a punishment for them. That’s why women … Read more

If there is pain in the jaw then there can be a big reason, do not ignore it at all

Tooth Cavity: Our food affects our body. Whatever we eat, we take the support of our teeth only. Now it is obvious that its effect directly falls on our teeth. Similarly, many people complain that they feel severe pain in their jaw after waking up in the morning. Pain in the jaw is dangerous. Not only … Read more

Why do eyes twitch? Know the scientific reason behind this

Eye Twitching: All of us must have twitching eyes at some point or the other, in such a situation we always associate it with astrology. Yes, it is a very big truth that in India, twitching of the eyes is seen as a bad omen. Now the question is does it really happen? Actually, there … Read more

The reason behind the increasing incidence of diabetes in children

Diabetes: Diabetes is one of the biggest problems of today’s era. Many people in India are facing this problem. Be it children or adults, all are becoming victims of diabetes. Statistics show that in the last few years, this disease has increasingly started making children its victims. There can be many reasons behind this, but … Read more