Psychologist reveals the 7 anxiety archetypes – so, which one are you?

A psychologist has revealed the seven archetypes of anxiety, so people can see if any apply to them. Birmingham-based chartered psychologist Dr Lalitaa Suglani, who is also the author of High-Functioning Anxiety: A 5-Step Guide to Calming Inner Panic and Thriving, took to Instagram to share insights into anxiety archetypes in a recent mail. The … Read more

Ayurveda and Yoga can reduce the risk of Kovid-19, research reveals

COVID-19 Treatment: Yoga and Ayurveda can prove to be very effective in case of high risks of Kovid-19. The study conducted by researchers from IIT Delhi and Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar has proved that Ayurveda and Yoga can be successful in treating patients of Kovid. According to reports published in the Indian Journal of Traditional … Read more