Poha or rice, what is more beneficial for health… here is the answer

Poha vs Rice : In our country both Poha and rice are eaten with great gusto. Poha is preferred in breakfast. It is easily saved. That’s why it is kept in the best option for morning breakfast. Whereas it is said that obesity increases by eating rice and health gets many problems. The biggest question … Read more

Everyone knows about the disadvantages of eating rice, now you should also know its benefits.

Rice Health Benefits: Rice included in Indian cuisine is a major food. Some people believe that rice is a light food. While some people call it weight gainer. If seen, every food item has some advantages and some disadvantages. Same goes for rice too. Most people are aware of the disadvantages, but do you know … Read more

Know here, rice water is of great use, do not throw it as useless

Rice Water Benefits: Vegetables and roti are made daily in the house. A large number of people in the country are fond of eating rice. Whether they get bread or not. Just get rice to eat. In many states of the country, rice is seen as the main food. Whenever rice is cooked. They are … Read more

Cancer, hypertension… This species of rice is useful in many diseases, include it in the diet once.

Brown RIce benefits: Grains are beneficial in many diseases by strengthening the immune system. Their use is good for health. Rice is used as food in many states including South India. Rice is seen as the main crop of Kharif. In such a situation, the state governments try to increase the yield of rice at … Read more

If you are fond of rice, then definitely have a look at these 7 names, see which is your favorite rice

Daily Diet Rice: Today’s generation likes to eat rice more than before (Rice lovers). There are two main reasons for this. The first is that rice cooking is easy, it is prepared in just 10 minutes and nowadays everyone is short of time. The second reason is our changed lifestyle. Now it is common to … Read more