My Teen Is Spiraling Into Hypochondria. Meanwhile, I’m Actually Sick.

Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Do you have any questions about care and feeding? Send it here. Dear Care and Feeding, My son will soon be 18 and I know he is looking forward to adulthood, but he has become increasingly dependent and is spiraling into hypochondria. something I am “wrong” about … Read more

As a new father, I was blindsided by postpartum depression. I’m not alone

Before the birth of my daughter at the end of 2019, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. I knew there would be stress—midnight awakenings, early mornings—but balanced by joy and discovery. What I wasn’t prepared for was the apathetic mental fog that enveloped me. When I returned to the office, it was almost impossible … Read more

Kids ages 8 and up should be screened for anxiety, U.S. health panel recommends

Earlier this week the US Preventive Services Task Force recommended that primary care physicians screen all children ages 8 to 18 for anxietyregardless of whether or not they have symptoms. This is the first time the panel of medical experts has provided this guidance. He also reaffirmed that children ages 12 to 18 should be … Read more

A Harvard nutritionist shares 6 brain foods that will help your kids stay ‘sharp and focused’

The first years of life lay the foundation for brain health. Studies show that a nutritious diet in infancy is key to promoting a child’s long-term well-being, and the foods they eat can impact their cognition, temperament, motor skills, and language development. As a nutritional psychiatrist, I discovered that foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, … Read more

Childhood trauma is not just an outcome of abuse; here are other factors to consider – Times of India

As the term itself suggests, childhood trauma describes a person’s negative experiences during their childhood that will impact their lives as an adult. It includes any event, action or instance that threatens the mental and physical well-being of a child. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adverse childhood experiences, or … Read more

Address Your Child’s Emotional Signs; They Can Deteriorate Their Mental Health

Childhood is a time when we feel free, happy and enjoy every moment to the fullest. We live carelessly and play with all our hearts. It is said to be the most beautiful moment in a person’s life. Meanwhile, during this time, children adjust to the things they see and grow up with the same … Read more