Painkiller will ‘kill’ you before pain, know which deadly diseases are the root cause of this medicine

Side Effects of Pain Killer: Today, how dependent man has become on medicines, many examples of this will be found in your home itself. People immediately use medicines even for minor ailments. Even if there is a slight problem, first of all people look for medical stores. The problem is that no one even consults … Read more

This small white stone kept in the house cures many diseases from the root.

Alum Benefits: We all have a white colored stone kept in our house. Especially around the kitchen or bathroom, you will definitely find it somewhere in the drawer. We know this white stone by the name of Alum. The use of alum is not from today but from ancient times. There are many benefits of … Read more

Beet root is full of nutrition, know its benefits

Health Benefits of Beetroot: As soon as the winter season starts, our food habits start changing. We start consuming more green vegetables. These vegetables keep us safe from diseases. One of these vegetables is beetroot. This vegetable with red tuber is a storehouse of nutrients. in this Nutrients like magnesium, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, carbs, … Read more

Beet root is full of nutrition, know its benefits

Health Benefits of Beetroot: As soon as the winter season starts, our food habits start changing. We start consuming more green vegetables. These vegetables keep us safe from diseases. One of these vegetables is beetroot. This vegetable with red tuber is a storehouse of nutrients. in this Nutrients like magnesium, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, carbs, … Read more

Root Canal: If you want to save your teeth from decay, then this is the surest cure for it.

Root Canal Treatment: A few years ago, when there was tooth decay, the tooth itself was removed from the root, but science has made progress, now there is no need to extract teeth in case of any serious problem, Canal treatment is avoided. What is root canal? The canal is opened by drilling from the … Read more

Defective protein is the root of this disease, can give a shock to the heart

Heart Problem: Due to poor lifestyle, diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity are taking place at home. Heart disease is also closely related to these. Famous comedian with heart attack in last two years Raju Srivastava Including many celebrities have lost their lives. But is lifestyle alone responsible for weakening the heart or for … Read more

Bad Cholesterol is the root of these serious diseases, so be alert if it is increasing

Cholesterol Effect On Body: Due to today’s bad lifestyle, many diseases are making their home in the human body. High blood pressure, sugar, depression, anxiety are such diseases. If recognized in time, they can be treated better. If it is late, it becomes fatal. But do you know that an element that accumulates in the … Read more