Is it safe to run or jog during pregnancy, know what experts say

Health Tips: Pregnancy is a time when women have to take special care, need special care and avoidance. This is necessary not only for them but also for the coming child. Because a little carelessness becomes heavy on both the mother and the child. Pregnant women are prohibited from brisk walking, running. Can pregnant women … Read more

Adults take the help of steam for blocked nose, is it safe to give it to a child or infant?

Steam For Babies: An old tradition has been going on for years that when winter or If there is a cold, the elders in the house advise to take steam or steam. Actually it proves to be very beneficial. Taking steam is beneficial for opening a blocked nose. The moisture present in the air loosens … Read more

Is it safe to have sex during chemotherapy? Know the answer to this question here

Chemotherapy And Relationship: Cancer is becoming a common disease in today’s time. As fast as cancer patients have increased and the way cancer hospitals are getting crowded, the situation is very frightening. Cancer is rapidly taking its grip not only to older people but from young children to young people. However, the treatment of cancer … Read more

Know what is heart attack and how to keep yourself safe

Heart Health Tips: Many people also died due to heart attack during the Corona period. Many big celebrities also died recently due to heart attack. Some got a heart attack while exercising in the gym, some got a heart attack while singing songs in a concert, and some got a heart attack while doing daily … Read more

How safe is your heart? Find out with this test at home

Types Of Heart Tests At Home: The number of people dying of heart diseases is increasing all over the world including India. According to the WHO, the death toll of youth due to heart diseases in India accounts for 20 percent of the deaths due to heart diseases in the world. For some time, the … Read more

Get relief from the problem of back pain in pregnancy, these yogasanas are safe

Yoga For Back Pain In Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women have to face many problems as time passes. Especially the problem of back pain is the most common and most common among people. Today we have come up with a solution to this problem. Yes, today we will tell you some such yogasanas, with the help … Read more

Keep yourself safe from these herbs in monsoon, many diseases will remain away

Herbs for Monsoon : In the changing season, there is a risk of getting many types of diseases. Especially in the rainy season, people are more prone to problems related to cold, cold, fever and allergies. The reason for this may be our weak immunity. In such a situation, it is very important to boost … Read more

These people were safe in all three waves of Kovid, what is their specialty?

Corona Virus Updates: When the corona virus came into the world in the form of Kovid-19, it created panic in the entire human race. Although corona virus is already present in the body of all of us and many flu and cold are also caused due to this. But the new variant that came in … Read more