Eyes Pain: If you want to save your eyes then bring these changes in the habit of working on laptop for hours.

Eyes Pain: In today’s time all the work remains incomplete without computer. Office work or work from home cannot be done without a laptop. This whole day’s work depends on our eyes. You have to work continuously by looking at the system for 9 hours. Is it right to expose eyes to bright light for … Read more

Root Canal: If you want to save your teeth from decay, then this is the surest cure for it.

Root Canal Treatment: A few years ago, when there was tooth decay, the tooth itself was removed from the root, but science has made progress, now there is no need to extract teeth in case of any serious problem, Canal treatment is avoided. What is root canal? The canal is opened by drilling from the … Read more

Loss of appetite is not a good thing, eat betel every day and save your health from deteriorating

Pann For Good Health: Excess appetite is a problem in itself and loss of appetite is an equally big problem. Because in both the situations there is a bad effect on health. When the appetite is high, then the person keeps on eating something continuously, due to which the weight increases and digestion is also … Read more

This medicine is a panacea in the development of the fetus growing in the womb, scientists have started preparations to save it.

Ayurvedic Medicine: Trees and plants are the only medicines in Ayurveda. This method treats the human body by taking things from nature itself. But when the life of the trees growing in the lap of nature comes in danger, then steps need to be taken. This initiative is being taken by Banaras Hindu University (BHU). … Read more

Rapidly increasing mental illness in children, can be fatal for your beloved, save in this way

Child Mental Health : In the run-of-the-mill life, stress is becoming a part of life. People of all ages are falling prey to stress and depression. Its effect is being seen more on children. Therefore, there is a need to pay attention to the physical health of the children as well as the mental health. … Read more

You can save life in case of heart attack, just understand about these life saving tips

Due to the changing lifestyle and stress, nowadays not only the elderly but also the youth are losing their lives due to heart attack. Youngsters are also falling prey to this dangerous disease. In such a situation, it is necessary to include some such things in our lifestyle so that we can avoid falling prey … Read more

Bring these 5 plants home on Diwali, will save your family from pollution

Air Purifier Plant: Bring these 5 plants home on Diwali, will save your family from pollution. Source link

You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done

What Is CPR Method: Nowadays the cases of heart attack are coming very much. People get heart attack while laughing. Many times you must have seen people suddenly falling on a public place. It could be a heart attack or cardiac arrest. If you are there and you know how to give CPR then you … Read more