Priyanka Chopra’s brother-in-law has skin cancer, why and how does this disease occur?

Skin cancer: Worrying news comes to us from the family of Priyanka Chopra, who became a world star after her great success in Bollywood. Priyanka’s husband Nick Jonas’ elder brother Kevin Jonas has been diagnosed with skin cancer and is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Nick Jonas’ older brother Kevin Jonas gave an update on … Read more

धूप में अगर बहुत ज्यादा समय तक रहेंगे तो हो सकता है ये कैंसर, ऐसे करें बचाव

पूरे देश में भीषण गर्मी पड़ रही है. तेज धूप और लू हर जगह चल रही है. जिसके कारण सभी लोग परेशान है. धूप के कारण लोगों को हीट स्ट्रोक पड़ रहे हैं. अधिकतर लोग डिहाइड्रेशन का शिकार हो रहे हैं. वहीं एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक धूप के कारण स्किन कैंसर का खतरा बढ़ रहा … Read more

क्या वाकई अमीर लोगों को ज्यादा होता है स्किन कैंसर का खतरा? स्टडी में हुआ खुलासा

Skin Cancer Study: स्किन कैंसर (skin cancer) आजकल तेजी से अपने पैर पसार रहा है. स्किन कैंसर पर हुई एक हालिया स्टडी में कहा गया है कि अमीर लोगों को स्किन कैंसर का खतरा सामान्य लोगों की तुलना में ज्यादा होता है. इस स्टडी में कहा गया है कि अटलांटिक रीजन मे रहने वाले और कनाडा … Read more

Attention This serious reaction starts on the skin due to smoking, you can look old in full youth

Smoking Side Effects: We all know that smoking is a bad habit. But nowadays smoking has become a fashion among youth and youth which is harming them from both inside and outside. People who smoke have an increased risk of cancer. The tar present in cigarette smoke accumulates in the lungs and causes blockage. This … Read more

The woman kept considering the pimple on the nose as a pimple, when it was examined, it was found that it is ‘deadly cancer’

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Having pimples is a very common thing and it happens to anyone at any time. However, what if these pimples turn into cancer? Of course, you must be shocked to hear this, but exactly the same shocking case has happened with 52-year-old Michelle Davis. Pimples are usually associated with hormones and sometimes … Read more

A mole on your body can also be a symptom of melanoma cancer! Men are at greater risk

Skin Cancer Early Stage: It is very important to recognize the symptoms of cancer disease in time. Symptoms of cancer can be seen on the body in most of the people. Melanoma cancer is also a cancer that can also develop in a mole on the skin. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation US, 97,610 … Read more

Protection is not only from sunlight, sunscreen does this work! Know the right way to apply

Summer Skin Care: The summer season has come with the scorching sun, in such a situation everyone should be aware of how important it is to apply sunscreen. The benefits of sunscreen give more benefits than protecting your skin from the sun. Apart from this, it is necessary to include sunscreen in your skin care … Read more

Whether it is sunny or rain or cloudy, it is necessary to apply ‘sunscreen’ in every season! but why?

Sunscreen Benefits: Sunscreen works to protect you from many skin related problems. Although most people believe that it should be used only for the purpose of protection from sunlight. However, it is not like that. You should not use it only to avoid the sun’s rays, but it should be applied in every season. Sunscreen … Read more