बारिश में दाद, खाज और खुजली ने कर रखा है परेशान, जानें क्या करें और क्या नहीं

Skin Problems : बारिश के मौसम में कई तरह की समस्याएं होती हैं. स्किन से जुड़ी प्रॉब्लम्स इस मौसम में आम हो जाती है. दाद, खाज, खुजली और रैशेज से कई लोग परेशान रहते हैं. शरीर का तापमान के बदलने, हवा में नमी के बढ़ने, ज्यादा पसीना आने, साफ-सफाई न रखने और किसी तरह की एलर्जी … Read more

Attention ! Junk food is not only harming your health but also your age and beauty

Junk Food Side Effects : If you want to be healthy then your diet should be healthy and nutritious. This type of food not only keeps your body active, but also prevents diseases. Nowadays the trend of junk food has started. Everyone eats with great gusto but it can be quite dangerous (Junk Food Side … Read more

Never wash your face with direct tap water… Not only skin, hair will also be damaged in this way

Tap Water Disadvantages For Skin: Paying attention to personal hygiene is as important for everyone as it is to eat to live. From washing face to bathing, we pay attention to many types of personal hygiene. However, there is one mistake, which most of the people are often seen doing and that mistake is to … Read more

‘Raw milk’ can improve the complexion of the face, by applying it you will get many tremendous benefits

Milk For Glowing Skin: Women make various efforts to keep their skin glowing. They use one to one expensive beauty products available in the market. Even if you get to see the benefits in the beginning by using external products. But these benefits will remain intact only till the time you use these products regularly. … Read more

Now say bye-bye to the problem of hair loss, these things present in the kitchen will give solution

Hair Care Tips: Generally, every person has hair fall, but in some in less quantity and in some in more quantity, there can be many reasons for this problem. There are some common kitchen items that are believed to promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair fall. You can see a lot of change just … Read more

Amla, ginger and cardamom tea will make your face glow, skin related problems will go away

Tea Benefits For Skin: There is no dearth of people around the world who start their day with tea. Tea not only helps in keeping the mood good, but also makes you feel refreshed. Indian people believe that tea has so much power that it can cure headache immediately. Patients of cold, cough and cold … Read more

Don’t go out in the sun for fear of tanning? Take care that this problem does not start in the skin.

Health Benefits Of Sunlight: Are you afraid of going out in the sunlight for fear of tanning. If you think that sunlight i.e. sunlight only fulfills the deficiency of Vitamin D. And, you can make up for this deficiency with a tablet, so why go out in the sun? If you are a victim of … Read more