Mangoes are ripe with chemicals or do it naturally, try a simple trick

The summer season is full of troubles but this is also the season for the king of fruits, mango. There would hardly be a person who does not like to eat mango. This juicy fruit is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fibre. Mango fruit is also very good in terms of health. If … Read more

… so that’s why mangoes are soaked in water for hours before eating! Health expert gave this

Even though the scorching heat warms your mind and body. But one special thing about this season is that this is also the season of mango, the king of fruits. This juicy fruit is rich in mango vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber. While mango is considered one of the number one fruits in terms … Read more

Pimples and pimples come out on the face by eating these things

Skincare Tips: Acne, Pimples or Acne (Acne Care Tips) by whatever name you call it, it is such a disease that our young generation is troubled a lot. At the same time, to deal with this problem, most people try many types of home remedies and grandmother’s remedies. Many times it also happens that acne, … Read more

Petroleum jelly is used a lot in winter, know when it can cause harm

Petroleum jelly Benefits and safety: Soon petroleum jelly will be visible in every house because winter is about to come. Anyway, this is one such cosmetic product, which everyone uses in winters. Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and wax. It not only protects the skin from cracking but also prevents dullness. Most … Read more