Do not ignore this small sign, because there may be colon cancer

Health Tips: If you have to run to the washroom again and again, it may be that bowel cancer is giving signals, identify it like this. Source link

From weight loss to hair care, small lemon has big benefits

Benefits of Lemon: Lemon is small but its benefits are so many that you will get tired of counting them. Whether it is to eliminate stomach worms or to cure bile phlegm disorders, besides increasing appetite or to eliminate dandruff of hair, lemon is very helpful for you. With lemon juice, you can overcome problems … Read more

How to bathe a small child in winter? Know what is the right way?

Baby Care: The winter season is challenging in itself, but if someone has become a parent for the first time, then their difficulties increase further. In fact, in the winter season, special care has to be taken from the food and drink of the newborn to bathing it. A little carelessness can increase the difficulties … Read more

This small white stone kept in the house cures many diseases from the root.

Alum Benefits: We all have a white colored stone kept in our house. Especially around the kitchen or bathroom, you will definitely find it somewhere in the drawer. We know this white stone by the name of Alum. The use of alum is not from today but from ancient times. There are many benefits of … Read more

Keep these things in mind while taking care of a small baby

Winter season is challenging for everyone but, New Born Baby this season becomes even more dangerous. This is because bacteria and viruses grow rapidly in the winter season and newborns are the earliest to fall prey to it. The immunity system of newborn children is very weak as compared to adults. A little carelessness can … Read more

If you are fond of smoking cigarettes then be careful with small cell lung cancer.

Smoking Causes Cancer: There is a direct connection between smoking and cancer. In the form of a guide line on the cigarette boxes, it is clearly written that cigarette causes cancer i.e. cigarettes can cause cancer. Smoking is also believed to be the cause of most lung cancers. Experts say that there are many types … Read more

Small children may also have heart problems, know what symptoms are visible?

Heart Disease In Kids: Nowadays the risk of heart diseases is increasing rapidly among the youth. Heart problems can occur not only in young people but also in some children. Cardiac diseases can develop at times in young children and infants. Some children have congenital heart problems. Although it is possible to treat such diseases … Read more

There may be a problem of rashes on the neck of a small child in the rain, get relief from these measures

Neck Rashes In Babies: It is quite common for children to have rashes. Children are more prone to rashes, especially in monsoons. The reason for this is that the soft skin of babies is unable to tolerate heat and humidity for a long time, due to which rashes start on their neck and back. If … Read more