जोर-जोर से आते हैं खर्राटे तो हो जाएं सावधान, ऐसी आवाज़ आने पर ना करें देरी, तुरंत पहुंचे डॉक्टर

  Snoring : खर्राटे सिर्फ पास सोने वाले को ही डिस्टर्ब नहीं करते बल्कि कई तरह की गंभीर बीमारियों के संकेत भी होते हैं. खर्राटे आना, स्लीप एनीमिया (Sleep Anemia) का एक लक्षण है, जो जानलेवा भी हो सकता है. हार्ट स्पेशियलिस्ट के अनुसार, नींद में बार-बार और तेज आवाज में खर्राटे (Snoring) आना बेहद खतरनाक … Read more

Snoring may have to be ignored, it may lead to heart disease

Snoring Problem: Snoring is quite common. This problem is found in most of the people. However, this does not mean that you start taking snoring lightly. Because snoring can also be the cause and sign of many serious problems. Although everyone takes snoring problem sometimes, but if it becomes a daily habit then it can … Read more

Desi ghee will cure the problem of snoring, there is a panacea in Ayurveda

Snoring Ayurvedic Remedies: Snoring is such a problem, due to which people living with you have trouble and you are embarrassed. But sometimes this problem can go beyond this and become serious for you. Snoring is also sometimes a sign of serious diseases. According to health experts, snoring occurs due to any kind of disorder … Read more