How to recover from burnout in six steps

Steps towards recovery from burnout So how do we recover from burnout? Maslach says: “I use an analogy with a canary in a coal mine. The canary has difficulty surviving due to the toxic fumes. It is not about fixing the canary to make it more resilient. “There are coping strategies that will help you … Read more

Labour would expand mental health support for lockdown generation, says Streeting

He wrote: “It is not enough to dismiss this crisis as the complaints of a bunch of snowflakes. Not when children at risk of suicide are denied even a place on a waiting list, because services are so desperate. 32,000 children have been waiting for their first appointment for more than two years.” The Labor … Read more

Mental health benefits claimants jump by 100,000 in just three months

Meanwhile, people living in Wales were the most likely to claim health benefits without any obligation to look for work. The data showed that more women of working age were claiming Universal Credit for health reasons than men, although the opposite was true for people over retirement age. DWP said 38 per cent of applicants … Read more

At 71, I’m finally going to therapy – I’ve bottled up my emotions for decades

go to therapy Of course, it doesn’t have to be related to the type of mental health issues that require an official referral. Another convert to psychotherapy in her old age is Mandy Farthing*, 69, a recently retired lawyer, whose main goal in seeing a psychotherapist is to get help dealing with the difficult relationship … Read more

Five exercises to beat burnout and stress

Hitting the sidewalks, despite what we’ve been led to believe, could In fact, it is not the best way to escape from a bad mood.. Academics at Ohio State University compared “arousal-increasing” activities like hitting a bag, jogging, bicycling, and swimming with “arousal-decreasing” activities; deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation and yoga. The latter were most effective … Read more

‘I lost £20m gambling and my marriage has never recovered’

From the outside, the lives of the super-rich may seem enviable. But for those who grew up in the opulent world of trust funds, elite boarding schools and vacations on private Caribbean islands, their privilege often comes with a hidden price. For 55-year-old artist Edward Benson*, that price was around £20 million, which he lost … Read more

‘When I feel depression knocking on the door, I know how to turn it away’

Philip Morgan, 66, reframed his thinking after going through a series of health problems, including silent strokes (caused by a frontal lobe injury), a cancer diagnosis and early-onset vascular dementia. “Life seemed just hopeless,” he says. “However, now I can talk about good ways to overcome hopelessness.” Once skeptical of alternative mind-body practices, “it was … Read more

Man who grabbed flag from Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin is sent for treatment at mental health centre

A man who grabbed the flag from Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin has been sent to a mental health facility for treatment. Muhammad Khan 28, was knocked to the ground by police after he grabbed the royal banner with both hands around 9:30 p.m. on September 16. Officers immediately pinned him to the ground while the … Read more