Stroke आने के 7 वॉर्निंग साइन, 7 दिन पहले ही आने लगते हैं नजर, दिखते ही भागें डॉक्टर के पास

Stroke Warning Signs: ब्रेन अटैक को ही स्ट्रोक कहा जाता है. ब्रेन में सही तरह ब्लड सप्लाई न होने की वजह से उसकी रक्त वाहिकाएं फट जाती हैं, जिससे ऑक्सीजन भी सही तरह नहीं पहुंच पाता है और ब्रेन काम करना बंद कर देता है. ऐसे समय में अगर तुरंत इलाज न मिले तो जान भी … Read more

Brain Attack: What Are Different Types of Stroke? Know Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Home Health Brain Attack: What Are Different Types of Stroke? Know Signs, Symptoms And Treatment Brain cells normally do not recover after they die, and severe damage can occasionally result in mental, cognitive, and physical problems. Recovering the brain’s normal blood flow and oxygen supply must happen quickly. Brain Attack: What Are Different Types of Stroke? … Read more

Brain Attack: What is Stroke And How to Prevent Its Risk?

Home Health Brain Attack: What is Stroke And How to Prevent Its Risk? A stroke, also known as a brain attack, happens when a blood artery in the brain breaks or when something stops the flow of blood to a specific area of the brain. A stroke is a serious medical disease that calls for … Read more

There is a risk of this serious disease in people who snore more, if the solution is not found then the problem will increase

Many people have the habit of snoring while sleeping. By the way, it is common to see such effects along with aging. But a study suggests that people who snore are almost twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to quiet sleepers. Irish researchers have found that snorers have a higher risk of … Read more

Be careful if you drink less water! There can be danger from dehydration to stroke in summer

Drinking Less Water Disadvantages : If you drink less water then this news is for you only. According to a health report, there is a risk of stroke due to lack of water in the body. According to the Harvard Health report, dehydration increases the risk of stroke. According to a research by Loma Linda … Read more

This stroke can be dangerous, definitely recognize the symptoms

Brain Problem: It is the heart and mind that decide whether a person is alive. If the heart stops beating, then understand that the person has died. Even if the brain is dead, the person is considered dead. Having a healthy brain is very important for a healthy body. But sometimes the brain gets shocks … Read more