Why does heavy bleeding suddenly happen during periods, is it not the reason to eat these things?

Why does heavy bleeding suddenly happen during periods, is it not the reason to eat these things?

Heavy bleeding: It is a natural process for women to have periods every month. Abdominal pain and restlessness is also normal for everyone. But some women start having problems in periods when they start having heavy bleeding due to any reason. Women may take this thing lightly, but excessive pain or excessive bleeding can prove … Read more

Why does BP suddenly become low, these are the main reasons

Why does BP suddenly become low, these are the main reasons

Low Blood Pressure: Nowadays, the problem of having low or high blood pressure has started happening the most. Blood pressure being low or high are both dangerous conditions. Low blood pressure is called hypotension in medical language. When blood pressure drops below normal, it is called low BP. Many times people do not even know … Read more