आखिर क्यों शरीर से निकलने लगता है पसीना? जानें ज्यादा पसीना आने के क्या होते हैं नुकसान

Sweating: आखिर क्यों शरीर से निकलने लगता है पसीना? जानें ज्यादा पसीना आने के क्या होते हैं नुकसान Source link

रात में सोते वक्त आता है पसीना? हो जाएं सावधान, कहीं इन बीमारियों की चपेट में तो नहीं हैं आप !

Night Sweats Signs: दिन में बाहर निकलने, ज्यादा काम करने या उमस की वजह से पसीना आना काफी नॉर्मल है. शरीर का तापमान बनाए रखने के लिए ये जरूरी भी है लेकिन अगर पसीना ज्यादा निकले तो खतरनाक भी हो सकता है. खासकर बिना किसी मेहनत या ठंड के दिनों में. अगर रात में सोते समय … Read more

क्या है ‘हाइपरथर्मिया’? जिसमें हद से ज्यादा बढ़ जाती है शरीर की गर्मी, जानें इसके लक्षण और बचाव

‘हाइपरथर्मिया’ ऐसी स्थिति है जब शरीर की गर्मी नॉर्मल टेंपरेचर से ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है. यह बीमारी कई कारणों से हो सकता है जैसे मौसम का बदलना, टेंपरेचर में उतार-चढ़ाव, बहुत ज्यादा शरीर को थकाने वाला काम करना, पसीना का न निकलना. इन सब के अलावा कुछ दवाएं का ज्यादा इस्तेमाल करने के कारण भी … Read more

If you are also seeing these 5 symptoms, then do not ignore it, there may be a problem of blockage in the veins.

Clogged Arteries: Due to bad lifestyle and bad food, the risk of heart diseases is increasing. Most of the heart diseases are being seen due to increase in cholesterol. Actually, the accumulation of lipoprotein deposits cholesterol starts in the blood vessels. Because of which the veins start getting blocked. This affects the supply of blood … Read more

Follow these methods this season to avoid the bad smell of sweat… People will be happy to stand near you

How To Control Body Odour: Sweating is a natural process. Excessive sweating occurs especially in summer because the body constantly tries to adjust itself with the external temperature, due to which the fluid stored in the body comes out in the form of sweat through the skin pores. When this sweat dust meets with dead … Read more

If you can see this then understand that you have had a heart attack.

Heart attack: Heart attack can come even without realizing it, these indicate signs. Source link

Sweating has a connection to Heart Attack, need to be alerted immediately

Heart Problem: Changing lifestyle is taking many diseases in its grip. Hypertension and blood pressure are one of these diseases. Apart from this, heart disease also happens due to bad lifestyle. If there is any problem in the heart, it gives an indication. Such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue are included. Apart from … Read more

Frequent sweating can be a sign of these diseases, do not ignore

Are You Sweating Exessively, Be Alert: Our body is made up of many elements. In this, many actions keep happening simultaneously. There is a similar action, sweating is usually a sign of a healthy body. Sweat comes to us after working hard on any work, but some people sweat without doing anything. Excessive sweating can … Read more