क्या बार बार मिर्गी का दौरा आना भी हो सकता है ब्रेन ट्यूमर का संकेत? जानें ऐसा होने पर क्या करे

Epilepsy Symptoms: मिर्गी (epilepsy)दिमाग से संबंधित बीमारी है जिसमें मरीज को दौरे पड़ते हैं और वो लगभग बेहोश हो जाता है. हालांकि मिर्गी काफी पुरानी बीमारी है लेकिन लोगों में इसको लेकर जागरुकता की कमी के चलते ये जब बेकाबू हो जाती है तो शरीर में अन्य कई तकलीफें होने लगती हैं. इन्हीं में से एक … Read more

Nausea is accompanied by frequent headaches, so be careful! May be a sign of brain tumor

World Tumor Day: Brain tumor is a very serious disease related to the brain. Those who are not treated on time, then the problem can be very serious. Abnormal cells that grow in the brain are called brain tumors and they are also of two types. One in which there is a risk of cancer … Read more

Rakhi Sawant’s mother was suffering from this cancer, the symptoms of the disease may have to be taken lightly

Rakhi Sawant Mother Death: Rakhi Sawant, known as Bollywood’s item girl and drama queen, is going through a difficult time these days. Actress’s mother Jaya Sawant is no more in this world. Rakhi Sawant’s mother was battling cancer and brain tumor for a long time. His mother was being treated at the Tata Memorial Cancer … Read more

Mild headache can also be a sign of brain tumor, do not ignore these signs

Brain Tumor Symptoms: In the rapidly changing lifestyle, there will be few people who do not complain of headache. This could be because of their busy schedule. This is the reason that when a headache occurs, people take it lightly and try to cure it by taking pain killers. Doing so can also get you … Read more

Do not ignore the headache, it can also be a sign of this serious disease

Brain Tumor Symptoms : Our brain is of 1400 grams. It has 4 parts. Each part of the brain works differently. If the brain does not function properly, then many functions of the body can be affected. When a lump forms in the cells of the brain, then this condition is called a tumor. Tumors … Read more