Dengue Cases Spike in Bengaluru: How Temperature Affects Rise in Mosquito-Borne Infection? Here is What We Know

Home Health Dengue cases on the rise in Bengaluru: How does temperature affect the rise in mosquito-borne infections? This is what we know Dengue cases are steadily increasing in Bengaluru. Can temperature also affect the increase in cases? Read on to learn how it can affect the spread of infection. Dengue cases are increasing exponentially … Read more

Dengue Cases Rise in Bengaluru: Know These 5 Rules to Maintain Healthy Platelet Count Naturally

Home Lifestyle Dengue cases on the rise in Bengaluru: Know these five rules to maintain a healthy platelet count naturally Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka. Here are some lifestyle habits that can help you maintain a healthy platelet count. Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka and here’s how to avoid infection (Freepik) As the … Read more

बुखार के साथ-साथ लगातार हो रही है Vomitting तो भूलकर भी ना करें नज़रंदाज़

<div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Dengue Dangerous Symptom:&nbsp;</strong>मानसून आते ही देश भर में खतरनाक और जानलेवा डेंगू के मामले बढ़ने लगते हैं. मानसून के मौसम में हर साल डेंगू मच्छर के प्रकोप के चलते होने वाली मौतों में इजाफा होने लगता है. ऐसे में डॉक्टर सलाह देते हैं कि बचाव के साथ साथ डेंगू के लक्षणों के … Read more

The risk of these diseases increases in monsoon, know how to protect yourself?

Monsoon Diseases: People eagerly wait for the rains in the monsoon season. Because due to this the outbreak of scorching heat can be reduced to a great extent. However, like everything has some advantages and some disadvantages, in the same way the arrival of monsoon also has many disadvantages. During the monsoon, a situation of … Read more

Why platelets decrease in dengue patients, know the best way to increase it

Dengue Platelets : There are conditions of rain and floods in most of the states of India. The situation in the capital Delhi is most worrying. During this, the number of dengue patients has also increased rapidly in the last 15 days. In this season, not only dengue, the risk of diseases caused by mosquitoes … Read more

Dengue becomes silent killer in rainy season, get these symptoms checked immediately

Dengue Symptoms In Monsoon: As soon as the monsoon season arrives, the health band of people with weak immunity starts ringing. In fact, in this season, the risk of bacterial and infectious diseases increases so much that the body’s immunity is not able to compete with them and people fall ill. Dengue is one of … Read more

India will soon get a vaccine to fight dengue, every year so many crores of people around the world fall ill.

Dengue Vaccine: These days it is summer season in India. During this, different types of diseases are spreading their legs. In this, many diseases are related to mosquitoes, viruses and some are related to skin infection. This disease looks very common in the beginning, but after a time it takes a very dangerous form. Due … Read more

Save your child from dengue in this way, know the symptoms and remedies

National Dengue Day 2023 : Dengue is a deadly disease. Every year a crowd of patients is seen in hospitals after coming under its grip. That’s why it is advised to be careful with dengue. National Dengue Day 2023 is celebrated every year on 16 May. On this day everyone is made aware about this … Read more