ड्रैगन फ्रूट के हैं गजब के फायदे, जानें किन बीमारियों से रखता है दूर

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits : फल और सब्जियां अच्छी सेहत का राज होता हैं. हम सेब, केला,आम, अमरूद जैसे फल खाते ही रहते हैं, लेकिन सभी फलों मे सारे गुण नहीं मिलते हैं ऐसे में एक फल है जिसमें कई गुण पाएं जाते हैं जो सेहत के लिए काफी लाभकारी होता है. ड्रेगन फ्रूट खाने में … Read more

Leave potato paratha in winter and eat Bathua paratha, health will remain fit along with taste

Bathua Ka Paratha Recipe: Everyone likes to eat hot parathas with tea in cold weather. Most of the people think of potato or cauliflower parathas. These parathas have the highest demand in every household. But do you know that parathas made of Bathua in winter are very beneficial for health as well as taste. Bathua’s … Read more

Saffron milk is the best combination of taste and health… Know here the easy way to make it

Saffron Milk: If you want to keep yourself healthy during the winter season, then you have to take special care of food and drink. Although there are many such things that you can cook and eat in winter, which can also benefit you, but the matter of saffron milk in winter is something else. This … Read more

Leave radish and carrots and try this ginger pickle in winter, immunity will increase with taste

Ginger Pickle Recipe: Be it winter or summer, food seems incomplete without pickles. But if we talk about the cold season, then most people like to eat radish or carrot pickle in this season. It is said that along with taste, radish also helps a lot in digesting your food, and people eat carrot pickle … Read more

You will get taste and health benefits from this chocolate

Dark chocolates: If there is a Teej-festival in the house or a gift has to be given to someone, then chocolate is the first choice, because it is liked by people of all ages, but it has a high amount of sugar, due to which it also has a bad effect on health. Is. But … Read more

If you do not like dairy milk, then try potato milk, you will get health benefits with taste.

Potato Milk: Potato is included in the vegetable, from which many types of vegetables are made. Potato chips are made from it, French fries are made from it, besides pakoras and many other dishes are made from potatoes, but if we ask you if you have ever drunk potato milk, then you will probably react … Read more

Drumstick Benefits: Take advantage from taste to health by including drumstick in food

Drumstick Benefits: All of you must have eaten drumstick vegetable, drumstick vegetable has started coming in the market in the winter season, usually we eat it thinking it as a seasonal vegetable and its benefits, but do you know that drumstick is used only as a vegetable. It is not taken for granted, but it … Read more

Apart from increasing the taste of pizza, oregano can also provide relief from pain.

Oregano Health Benefits: Be it kids or adults, pizza is everyone’s favourite. Some people go out and eat pizza while some order it at home and get it. But you must have noticed one thing while eating pizza that oregano and chili flakes are eaten together to increase the taste of pizza. Actually oregano is … Read more