Part-3: This is the new era! 30 thousand high quality children will be born every year without mother’s womb

There is a company, which will produce 30 thousand high quality babies every year. At the moment this is a claim but that company says that this thing will be proved right. We are writing here about ‘high quality’ baby and that is because the company will raise the babies in a machine and not … Read more

Up to 5 lakh free treatment in 3 thousand hospitals in this state, 15 lakh people benefit

Ayushman yojna: Central Government’s scheme Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Chief Minister Scheme is providing free treatment facilities to crores of people across the country. People are getting treatment up to 5 lakhs by getting a card made. On the instructions of the central government, the state governments are also making the process of … Read more

Dengue is wreaking havoc in many states, more than 30 thousand patients across the country

Dengue Fever: It is raining. There is water everywhere in the country. Due to the heat, people are keeping water in coolers and utensils. Its disadvantage is that in every house or outside, the dengue mosquito has started breeding in the water. Dengue has so far engulfed more than 30,000 people in the country. Many … Read more

What are the health benefits of walking 10 thousand steps, know here

Benefits of Walking: You must have heard from many people that by walking 10,000 steps, control of your increasing weight can be found. Or it benefits your health in many ways. To what extent this is true and how far not, today we will tell you about it. Well, everyone has their own body capacity. … Read more