Does weight gain increase quickly with thyroid disease? Do you know why this happens?

The most common disease among women today is thyroid disease. Because of the thyroid, serious problems like stress, irritability, obesity begin. Once a woman has thyroid, she may have to deal with other types of problems in the future. Thyroid diseases can cause weight gain and obesity. Today we will know in detail what is … Read more

आपकी आंखें ही बता देती हैं कि बढ़ रहा है Thyroid, जानें क्या हैं वार्निंग साइन

Thyroid Symptoms From Eyes: अगर किसी को थायरॉइड की समस्या है तो उसकी आंखें इसका इशारा करती है. हालांकि, बार-बार अनदेखा करने के चलते समस्या बढ़ जाती है. थाइरॉइड के मरीजों की आंखों के आसपास की मांसपेशियों और टिशूज पर इम्यून सिस्टम अटैक करता  है, जिससे आईबॉल पर सूजन नजर आने लगती है. ऐसा लगता है … Read more

Thyroid Awareness Month: Delayed Growth to Hyperactivity, 5 Signs Your Child May Have Hormonal Imbalance

Home Health Thyroid Awareness Month: Delayed Growth to Hyperactivity, 5 Signs Your Child May Have Hormonal Imbalance Is you child having stalled growth, increased lethargy? It may be a warning sign of thyroid. Here are few signs and symptoms of thyroid in kids. DOCTOR VERIFIED Thyroid Awareness Month: Delayed Growth to Hyperactivity, 5 Signs Your … Read more

Hypothyroidism: 5 Home Remedies to Reduce Thyroid Symptoms in Winters

Home Health Hypothyroidism: 5 Home Remedies to Reduce Thyroid Symptoms in Winters Managing thyroid levels is imperative for a healthy lifestyle. Apart from medication, few natural remedies can help keep the levels in check as well. Hypothyroidism: 5 Home Remedies to Reduce Thyroid Symptoms in Winters Thyroid is one gland that helps to regulate hormones, … Read more

Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Home Health Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore Thyroid tends to affect the reproductive system of women and may lead to development of cyst in the ovaries, early onset of puberty etc. Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is responsible … Read more

Yoga For Thyroid: 5 Easy Poses to Help You Get Rid of Thyroid And Other Hormonal Issues

House Lifestyle Yoga for Thyroid: 5 Easy Poses to Help You Get Rid of Thyroid and Other Hormonal Problems Yoga For Thyroid: 5 Effective Yoga Asanas Suggested By A Yoga Expert To Help You Reverse Your Thyroid And Other Hormonal Problems. Check out the step-by-step ways to perform these yoga poses. Yoga for Thyroid 5 … Read more

These symptoms are seen in thyroid, get blood test done immediately

Health Tips: Thyroid has become a very common problem in modern times. Many women and men are suffering from thyroid problem. According to the reports, women are more prone to thyroid problems than men. Many types of hormonal changes and problems are seen in the body of people suffering from thyroid. Apart from this, there … Read more

Most women ignore these symptoms of thyroid, be alert

Thyroid Gland: The thyroid gland is located in the area of ​​our throat and it is very small. But it plays an important role in keeping our body healthy and protecting it from many diseases. The thyroid gland also plays a big role in maintaining our metabolic system right. If this gland works too much … Read more