Hula Hooping for Fitness Is a Thing (and Why You Should Try It)

Photo: yellowj (Shutterstock) You may know how to hula hoop like a proBut did you know you can put those skills to work as part of the latest social media fitness craze? This week, pop sensation Lizzo went viral on Tik Tok for reacting as a duet to a video of one of their fans … Read more

Dietitians are using TikTok to urge you to stop dieting | CNN

Publisher’s note: This is part of a year-long series that takes a closer look at eating disorders, eating disorders, and relationships to food and body image. CNN — Many dietitians are making a plea that you may have always wanted but never thought you’d hear: Stop dieting. Now, you can find some of them on … Read more

Concerning Content: TikTok’s Effect on Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Questions and answers TikTok, the global sensation: is this harmless app fun or dangerous? Following the initiation of a nationwide investigation into the negative impacts of the video platform, psychiatric timesTM sat down with Jaclyn Halpern, PsyD, to talk about it. Psychiatric Times (PT): The attorneys general of several states have launched a nationwide investigation … Read more

So, does the 12-3-30 viral TikTok treadmill walking workout actually work?

Either exercise or hunting the the most stimulating workouts to increase endorphins (god knows we all need one right now). Since lockdown I have become particularly obsessed with walking —and the transformative effect it can have on how I feel. There is something deeply meditative about unplugging, listening to a podcast, and putting one foot … Read more

Experts have warned against taking ‘eye mucus’ out yourself, can impact vision and mental health 

Are you guilty of mucus fishing? Doctors warn against addictive trend of wiping dirt from eyes fueled by TikTok videos A trend on TikTok saw people wiping mucus out of their eyes with cotton swabs. It became popular in early 2021, with #mucusremoval gaining 183 million views. But NHS surgeon Dr Karan Rajan says the … Read more

Woman With Mental Health Issues Tidies Her House That Once Looked Like Dumpyard

When you’re depressed, keeping your house clean and tidy can seem like an impossible task. Your energy levels plummet and you can’t seem to muster any motivation to fix things. Then, as dirt and clutter accumulate, you feel increasingly grossed out. Ashleigh, 23, has been through a similar ordeal. Ashleigh and her boyfriend Ben were … Read more

Osteopath Brendon Talbot shares his secret exercise to strengthen your core and lower back

An osteopath has revealed his secret exercise to get a ‘bulletproof’ core instead of doing sit-ups. Brendon Talbot, a Canadian health professional who specializes in bone and muscle tissue, shared the exercise in which he moves a kettlebell around his body by passing it from one hand to the other in a video published in … Read more