China’s Top Medical Adviser Says Omicron Risks Similar to Flu

Sign up for Next Chinaa weekly email about the current state of the nation and where it’s headed next. Chinese officials have continued to downplay the risks of Covid-19 as restrictions are eased, with a top medical adviser saying the death rate of the omicron variant of the virus is in line with influenza. .

Say goodbye to the year 2022 with an adventure trip, these are the best destinations

New Year Adventure Trip: The year 2022 is at its last stop. Everyone is preparing to make the last days of the year memorable in their own style. Some are planning a party with family and friends, while some people are like this, then they are making up their mind for one or the other … Read more

Woman who lost her periods for years due to disordered eating starts family by eating ‘real food’

‘This whole process opened my eyes to how individual health and wellness is for everyone.’ An Illinois woman lost her menstrual periods after years of eating disorderly and exercising too much. Hoping to get pregnant and start a family in a natural and healthy way, she and her husband embarked on a radical overhaul of … Read more

How Dakota Wolf left a nine-to-five job and found his happiness riding horses across Tasmania’s countryside

Dakota Wolf can spend a month in a saddle without pain. Since leaving his nine-to-five job for 21 years, Mr. Wolf has dedicated himself to riding long-distance trails. “I’m so used to it these days that it doesn’t bother me at all,” he said. “But I find it hard to get into a soft bed … Read more