This green vegetable gives more strength than eggs and cheese, it hides a treasure trove of proteins.

Benefits of Edamame Beans: Often people think that protein can only be provided by non-plant sources. But their thinking is completely wrong, because some vegetarian products contain more protein than eggs, chicken and mutton. One of them is this little green pod, which looks small but is a treasure trove of nutrients. Through this, diseases … Read more

Christmas Special: Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce and Veggies Are X-Mas Staple; Here are 5 Health Benefits to Know

Home Health Christmas Special: Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce and Veggies Are X-Mas Staple; Here are 5 Health Benefits to Know Christmas specials are not just savoury but beyond that as well. The veggies, mashed potatoes also serve certain health benefits. Christmas Special: Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce and Veggies Are X-Mas Staple; Here are 5 Health … Read more

Vegetable, Medicine, and Treatment of cancer-Healthline

It’s important to understand that herbal remedies are not a substitute for standard cancer treatment. While some herbs may have beneficial properties, it is not safe to rely on them as the primary treatment for cancer. Cancer treatment typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. These treatments have been extensively … Read more

Do not consume radish with this vegetable at all, otherwise you will have to face serious consequences

Health Tips: Radish is sold in plenty in the market during the winter season. People include it as a salad in their lunch and dinner as it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are known to repair damaged cells. Along with this, radish also controls blood sugar to a great extent, but all … Read more

There are many health benefits hidden in this vegetable, know its benefits

Sweet Potato: Even though potato is used a lot in Indian food, but it is said that potato is not beneficial for our health. The amount of sugar in it is very high and it also increases obesity. But the amount of sugar in sweet potato ie sweet potato, which comes from the potato family … Read more

This is the most expensive vegetable in the world

Hop Shoots: It is the habit of every Indian to bargain while buying any item. Women are better at bargaining than men. We feel very happy if even 5 to 10 rupees are saved in some item. If the rate of vegetables increases by 10 to 50 rupees on what is prevailing in the market, … Read more

Drink this vegetable juice in winter and do body detox, learn how to prepare them

Drink Vegetable Juice To Detox Body: Winters have come. Along with this, the season of new vegetables has also arrived. In this season all kinds of vegetables especially green vegetables are available in the market. The winter season is also called the season of making health. During this, people make all efforts from reducing weight … Read more

You will be surprised to know these benefits of water chestnut, definitely consume this vegetable in this season

Water Chestnut Benefits: Fruits and vegetables that come in season give all kinds of benefits to our body. Due to the weather, they are also not expensive, which does not increase the burden on your pocket either. One such vegetable is water chestnut whose season has started. It is an aquatic vegetable that grows under … Read more