So many benefits of kissing that you will be surprised, see for yourself in the video

Benefits Of Kiss: Kissing partner burns calories! On hearing this, any person would say with a long smile, stop doing all this nonsense. So sir, this is not a nonsense thing, but it has come to the fore in research. According to research, kissing is not only beneficial for your relationship but also for your … Read more

Video games are dangerous for children’s heart health, how to get rid of addiction, know what the study says

Video Games : Children love video games a lot. His mind takes a lot of it. They spend many hours playing video games, but it has a very dangerous effect on their health. Video game players may not see any harm in it, but this activity generates an adrenaline rush. Some time ago, a research … Read more

While watching a video game, the child may faint and may die, keep these things in mind

Vido Games Side Effects On Child Heart: Playing video games is loved by almost every child of today’s generation. Parents also do not mind because their child is in front of their eyes and is not seeing anything wrong. However, parents are completely unaware that the addiction to video games can make their child a … Read more

Viral Video: Heart attack came while dancing, the case of sudden death increased while walking

Death is the ultimate truth…everyone has to come..But some people have such death which raises questions…Such astonishing pictures have come from UP,Gujarat and Odisha. …..someone was dancing…someone was singing.Sudden death caught up . Source link