After getting sick it is also necessary to change toothbrush like bedsheet, infection can attack again

Why You Should Change Toothbrush: As such, people in the family keep falling ill and when there is a disease in the house, keeping in mind the hygiene, you must definitely clean the bed sheet, pillow and other things after its recovery. Keeping the infection in mind, these things should be changed so that the … Read more

If you want to live in the changing season, then know from the doctor what to do and what not

Health Tips : The month of March is about to end. The mood of the weather also seems to have changed. Feeling of heat in the day and cold in the night causes diseases to increase. People are troubled by this ups and downs in the weather. In the rural areas, the day and night … Read more

Dry Cough: Dry cough has become bad, trying these home remedies will give instant relief

Dry Cough Symptoms: Recently there are many people who are reporting cases of viral infection, in which cough is the main problem with high fever which subsides in more than a week. However the cough is something that is not going away and is turning into a chronic cough which goes away after 4-6 weeks. … Read more

Try hibiscus tea, know its benefits and how to make it here

Hibiscus tea: Hibiscus plant is planted in many people’s house. Its flowers are used in text worship. But, do you know that the flowers of this plant are used in medicines to cure many diseases. Not only medicines but you can also make tea from its flowers. Hibiscus flower tea is also sold in the … Read more

How correct it is to go for morning walk in winter, what is the right time and method

Walk In Winter: Morning walk is advised to everyone to stay fit and fine. It is said that morning walk of 2 to 3 kilometers keeps the body fresh and energetic throughout the day. Although there are many benefits of morning walk, but going out for morning walk in winter season can be harmful for … Read more

Must drink this soup in winter, there will be no cold and cold

Winter Soup: If there is a strange sore throat and runny nose, and in such a situation, if you get a bowl of hot soup, then it is not less than a heaven. Everyone should consume soup in the winter season. Soup works to increase immunity and keep the body warm. Soup is very easy … Read more

The weather is changing, stay away from these diseases

Fever: The weather is changing. Winter is slowly knocking. In such a situation, some people are feeling hot and are wearing light clothes, but due to the cold in the weather, the risk of other diseases has increased. Doctors say that due to the rain that has been happening for the last 3 days, there … Read more

Epstein-Barr Virus closely associated with Gastric Cancer: AGA

Epstein-Barr virus closely associated with gastric cancer: AGA We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. To learn more, check out our Cookies policy Y Cookie settings.okay .