अनार खाने से शरीर में कभी नहीं होती है इन चीजों की कमी, जानें यहां

अनार खाने से शरीर में कभी नहीं होती है इन चीजों की कमी, जानें यहां Source link

Vitamin K Deficiency: 5 Warnings Signs That You Should Not Ignore in Children

Home Health Vitamin K Deficiency: 5 Warnings Signs That You Should Not Ignore in Children Vitamin K deficiency is more common in kids than adults and may result in excessive bleeding and getting quickly wounded as well. Vitamin K Deficiency: 5 Warnings Signs That You Should Not Ignore in Children Vitamin A, B, C, D, … Read more

What problems can you face due to the deficiency of which vitamin, see the complete list

Disease Cause Due To Vitamin Deficiencies: The way the vehicle needs fuel to run properly. Similarly, vitamins are needed to reduce the body properly. There are many vitamins for the body to run smoothly. Like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, etc… If any one of these vitamins is deficient in … Read more

Why Vitamin K is necessary for the body, read what things it fulfills in the body

Vitamin K Benefits: Vitamins are very important for better development of the body. There are many types of vitamins. One of these is Vitamin K. Which strengthens the bones and also improves the health of the heart. Vitamin K works to make proteins to meet the needs of bones and tissues of the body. Due … Read more

If you are eating only roti-pulse-rice, then pay attention to women, there should be no deficiency of these vitamins.

Women’s Health: The structure of the body of women and men is different. In such a situation, their body responds in different ways in different cases. Women do not pay more attention to their bodies than men. Due to this, there is a deficiency of many types of vitamins in their body. In such a … Read more

Vitamin K deficiency can cause this problem in the body

Like other vitamins, Vitamin K is also very important for the body. If there is a deficiency of vitamin K in the body, then symptoms like reduced bone density, joint pain, pain in bowel movements can be seen. In such a situation, to reduce these problems of the body, consume a diet rich in vitamin … Read more